Below Deck Down Under Season 3 Crew Members Futures In Question After Episode 3

“Below Deck Down Under” Season 3 Episode 3 was packed full of drama. Fans have seen Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph butt heads with her sous chef Anthony Bird since the start of the season.

Upon meeting each other, Anthony refused to tell his boss what his strengths and weaknesses were, forcing her to use his skills sparsely. He then became frustrated by being relegated to menial tasks and when he pushed back, Tzarina offered to let him lead the first charter’s beach picnic.

The order didn’t go over so well and Anthony complained that he was doing her job. Pick a lane, Anthony.

In this week’s episode, Tzarina told Anthony that she was going to plan out the next charter’s menus while he took care of everything else. Annoyed, he walked over to her cabin and asked if she could help him with putting provisions away, as he was tasked with cooking crew food, guest food, and cleaning as well.

“Doing guest food is optional. If you do it and it makes you happy, you have to find time to do it,” she told him. Tzarina then offered to have the stews take over so he could rest but he refused. “F*ck me,” she said as he left.

After his conversation with Tzarina, Anthony vented to a friend over the phone about all his grievances about her. “Working in a dirty gallery, putting up dirty food, I’m just caught in like a weird situation for me,” he’s seen saying.

In the ultimate shady move, Anthony texted another chef asking if a position was open for him. Not cool.

Below Deck Down Under Season 2 deckhand Harry Van Vilet suffered a harrowing injury

Fan-favorite Harry Van Vliet is back from “Below Deck Down Under” Season 2 and now, it looks as if his time on the show may be cut short. During the second charter, he attempted to maneuver the jet ski onto the boat when his thumb got caught on the pulley.

He yelled for help and Captain Jason Chambers rushed to his aid, asking production for help as well. When Harry was safely back on the boat, Jason immediately called a doctor to come by.

Harry on Below Deck Down Under accident

Close-up shots of Harry’s thumb showed a bloody mess and a crushed thumbnail. “I was pulling up the jet ski and I clipped the cradle on it and then a wave came up and that finger, that thumb, was in between the cradle and the jet ski and then it went up. So it was just crushed,” he explained in the crew mess.

The doctor tended to Harry and stated that his thumbnail was completely gone but that he was at risk of a staph infection so he needed to keep his hands dry.

“I’m quite worried about Harry and his thumb. He’s in pain. This is really going to affect the deck team massively,” the bosun Wihan Du Toit told the cameras. As a deckhand, this doesn’t bode well for his future on the boat.

Anthony’s plans to leave Below Deck Down Under after two more charters get foiled

Anthony again got offended when Wihan innocently asked if the galley team got any rest and Tzarina said they didn’t. She explained that she told Anthony to either let the stews set up the canapes for the guests or choose to rest for a couple of hours and he immediately got defensive. “It’s always on me, isn’t it,” he snapped.

Anthony sous chef on Below Deck Down Under

At this point, Tzarina has had enough and vented to Jason about Anthony’s insubordination. “There’s a lot of tension happening in the galley. He won’t let me manage him at all,” she said. “If it’s not working for you, why don’t you just move on,” he asked.

Tzarina wanted to give Anthony another chance the next day but he informed her that he was leaving after two charters.

When she told Jason, he did not look pleased at all and even immediately marched over to the sous chef to say, “You feel the environment is not for you and you’ve got a better opportunity.” He continued, “So, you can go today this morning. Pack yourself up there. It’s just the way I operate.”

Meanwhile, Harry is at the hospital to find out if he has a fracture so as of now, the “Below Deck Down Under” crew is down two men. To be continued next week…

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