Dinner is starting out to be a real sh*t show already and they haven’t even started with the apps. The primary guest, Melinda Springer, is unhappy that the sushi has fish and Chef Anthony Iracane is scrambling to finish the rest of the dinner.
When Chief Stew Fraser Olender asks if he’s going to make Melinda a vegetarian option, Anthony flat out says, “No, I’m not doing any because I have five other course and I don’t have any rice, so…”
If looks could kill, Anthony would be skewered and roasted over the gas grill. Fraser is worried.

Bossy Jill Zarin asks Fraser when dinner will start because it’s 8:30 pm and she’s on a schedule. The deck crew Ben Willoughby and Kyle Stillie gloat over being the least crappy team on the boat.
Stew Barbie Pascual complains about having to pull extra weight. “You know, like, when did I become Cinderella?” she asks the cameras.
In front of the guests, Fraser asks Barbie to get Dom Perignon for the guests and she smiles and nods while giving him crazy eyes.
Dinner is a disaster
Captain Kerry Titheradge joins the guests for dinner so the food and service better be on point. Frasier makes it a point to ask the primary guests what they would like to eat and Melinda says she wants the vegetable and chicken Pad Thai.
Jill interrupts and says, “Or like, a bowl of the Pad Thai maybe, on the side.” No one asked you, JILL ZARIN.
Anthony is plating and is so unfocused that he just dabs sauce randomly on the plate. Fraser is all, nope, and wipes it off.
It turns out that Anthony doesn’t have to worry about the presentation because the guests complain that the food is cold.
“This is the worst dinner service I’ve had all season,” Kerry says in a confessional. “There’s obviously something going down the galley, something going wrong. But if I look like I’m getting pissed off, then those are going to get pissed off around me. And to top it off, we have Jill.”

The deckhands are spared by the dinner and Dylan Pierre De Villiers regales Ben with recounts of how he can get both girls and guys fawning over him. According to the new deckhand, his MO is to go up to a girl and do pushups, which is what brings all the girls to the yard, apparently. Not.
“That’s my pick-up line. It’s all kind of like a hit or miss,” Dylan says in a confessional. Definitely more of a miss.
Dessert is running late and the stews need to distract the guests for 20 min so Barbie gives them alcohol. Anthony prepares a souflee, which Jill approves of. However, Kerry is not happy with the dinner and he’s going to talk to cheffy about it.
Stormy weather ahead
The next morning, Fraser gives the guests a fish option, a vegetarian option, and a vegan and gluten-free option. Everyone orders something different. “I hate them, but I don’t. I just hate Jill,” Fraser says.
Barbie is over her job and wakes up with an attitude. Fraser is confused as to why she’s giving him the cold soldier and she tells the cameras that he’s not receptive to her feelings so she’s just going to act like a robot. Be-boop.
It’s windy as heck in Grenada and Captain Kerry’s Australian accent comes out full force as he’s navigating docking the boat. There’s no room for aaarrrors, mate. The deck crew calls out meters and they’re apparently good at math because Kerry docks without hitting anything. Jill claps and gives her approval.
As the charter guests leave, Melinda thanks the crew and it’s surprising that Jill hasn’t interrupted her. She hands them their tip and they’re finally gone. “I’m cracking a beer NOW,” Kerry says.
Anthony Iracane gets called to the helm
It’s never good when the crew gets called to the wheelhouse and Anthony knows he’s in trouble when Kerry summons him. Kerry’s a good guy, so it’s not like he’s happy about scolding his staff.
“So, dinner service last night. I’m going to tell you striaght. It’s bullsh*t. F*cking appalling.”

Kerry tells Anthony that his food was cold and two of the guests were missing their plates. Anthony tells the captain that he tried to make the dinner “amazing” but he started doubting his abilites.
Anthony recalls feeling like a loser as a kid and starts to tear up in a confessional. However, this isn’t the end for him because Kerry tells him to focus on dishes that he can do in his sleep and hopefully, he’ll succeed.
Fraser Olender tries to get through to Barbie Pascual
The whole day, Barbie is answering Fraser and Captain Kerry like she’s a Stepford Stew and it’s not going unnoticed. Fraser asks her if she’s just sour with him. “That’s not conducive towards our team,” he tells her.
Barbie tells him that she’s pissed that Xandi Olivier got to meditate at the beach while she was running around cleaning toilets on board. She also mentioned seeing Xandi chilling with Fraser at the bar the night before.
Fraser explains that Xandi was already off the clock and Fraser was still working. “So it’s not like as if we’re chilling,” he tells her. Barbie doesn’t seem convinced.
The tip sucks
Time for the tip meeting, which is always the highlight after the charter guests leave. Kerry informs the crew that the total amounted to about $20,000, which came out to $1,667 each.

Everyone looks disappointed. Kyle tries to be chipper and lies, “Not bad, that’s good.” He reveals that he’s going to use the money to visit his Native American family in the States so it’s a win for him, at least.
The good news is that the crew has a much-needed day off the next day and Kerry tells them they’re going to chill at a resort, where they can spend their measly tip money. Oh, and another thing, a new stew is coming.
While the “Below Deck” crew are enjoying their dinner out, a blonde bombshell walks in and it turns out that she and Fraser have history.

Fraser and Paris Field hug and he tells the cameras, “She is the ex of one of my very dear friends.” His very dear friend is revealed to be Jake Foulger of “Below Deck” Season 9.
Paris is from Aussie and she and Ben connect over their geolocation. “I’m defintely a little bit jealous,” Sabrina Sunny Marquis tells the cameras. “Now there’s a drop-dead gorgeous blond coming in, she’s from Australia, they got things in common together, I definitely feel a little worried about what Ben thinks of her.”
Paradise Island gets ruined with Fraser Olender and Barbie Pascual’s drama
The cast get their drinks on at the resort, complete with a private beach. For once, others are serving them margaritas and they are living the life as charter guests.

The “Below Deck” crew should be having fun but Fraser and Barbie have to ruin it with their drama. Barbie tells Ben that she thinks Fraser wants her off the boat. Meanwhile, Fraser complains to Paris about Barbie.
“I’m in charge,” he tells the new stew. “This is awkward,” she tells the cameras. “Me and Fraser like, spoken in the past on the phone. He feels comfortable being able to improperly vent. But, he’s like the boss.”
Fraser goes on and on at the outing and Paris patiently listens, which is more than Xandi has done thus far.
Barbie and Fraser finally talk face to face instead of behind each other’s backs. “I don’t feel like you own things and I feel like you dismiss my feelings,” she tells him. “Barbie, you’re working with me,” Fraser says. She responds, “I’m working for you.”
“If you don’t like it, you can f*ck off,” he tells her. Barbie asks him if he wants her to leave but he says no and nothing gets resolved.
Barbie is crying at the beach and Paris goes to check on her. Alcohol always helps so Paris offers Barbie a drink.
Dylan Pierre De Villiers has no game
Sure, he can do a lot of pull-ups, but can Dylan talk to a girl? It turns out he can’t when he shoots his shot with Paris and misses hard.
“It’s very funny that you’re named Paris … You’re from Australia. You should have been named like Crocodile or Crocs or something,” Dylan tells her. She looks unimpressed.

He keeps going. “You look like that girl that would wear Crocs though.” She asks him, “Are you joking?” Dylan still doesn’t get the hint and asks, “Do you like Steve Irwin?” It’s like he has an aresenal of Australian stereotypes saved in his brain and is pulling all of them out. The next things he’ll bring up are kangaroos and dingoes and Bloomin Onions.
“Dylan’s gorgeous but f*ck, he’s so awkward,” Paris tells the cameras. “Personality-wise, a three.” And then, as if he wasn’t cringe enough, he tells Paris that she has some food stuck in her teeth.
Ben has more game apparently, and when he talks to Paris, they caress each other’s limbs.

Sunny sees this and is mad, Barbie is upset about her conversation with Fraser and is crying to her mom. This outing is turning out to be as disastrous as Anthony’s last dinner.