Chef Anthony Iracane is struggling in the galley and Fraser Oldender is about to lose his stiff English upper lip. The guests love his chocolate lava cake but that might not be enough for them to forget his disastrous lunch and dinner.
“To make amazing food, I need to be very happy and I’m very sad, so my food sucks,” he tells the cameras. Anthony looks like a sad French movie. Très triste!

The guests party on into the night and King Ray requests lobster and mac n cheese, as if this is a 24/7 fine dining establishment. Barbie Pascual informs him that Anthony is sleeping because they need to keep their expectations in check.
She tells them that she can whip something up, just don’t expect lobster. They ask for fries, which Barbie informs them that she cannot make from scratch. They look less than pleased.

The primary guest Queen Carmen, the one on the left, gets all heated. Barbie offers to make sandwiches. “You better have some sh*t that I f*cking like,” Carmen yells. Barbie rushes off to the galley to see what she can do.
Thank goodness Kyle Stillie is there to help her because Barbie is useless in the kitchen. King Ray likes the sandwich and the guests finally go to sleep.
Queen Carmen doesn’t want pork bacon
The next morning, Anthony is trying to fulfill all of the charter guests’ orders. Carmen asks for duck bacon but the boat doesn’t have any. “I’m very disappointed you would not have an alternative to pork,” she tells the new stew, Paris Field. “And I’m the primary and I don’t eat pork.”
Paris tells Anthony to make lobster and he tells her that he tried to get turkey bacon but he couldn’t. They’re in Grenada, it’s not like there’s a curing station within every port. If the guests want bacon, they can go back to the U.S.
Anthony butters toast with the smile of a madman about to go ham. And not in the bacon sense.

He brings over the breakfast and tells Queen Carmen that he tried to order turkey bacon but things are not always available in the Caribbean. She smiles and tells him it’s okay, which shows that she just likes to complain for no reason.
Ben Willoughby and Dylan Pierre De Villiers talk lead deckhand drama
Ben Willoughby has a talk with Dylan Pierre De Villiers regarding his complaint about Sunny Marquis‘ lead deckhand role.
“All I said is that I think I have more experience than her,” Dylan says. Ben tells him that he heard Dylan is going around saying Sunny just got the job because she’s sleeping with him.
“Yeah, we have been sleeping together but for me, it’s all about the attitude and I think she knows a little bit more about the boat than you do,” Ben says.
Dylan kind of apologizes for offending Ben and promises to do a good job on the boat. They’re all bro this and bro that but it doesn’t feel like they actually resolved anything.
Chef Anthony Iracane’s beach picnic is a disaster
Beach picnic time and despite Fraser suggesting Anthony not cook on the beach, the chef is like, “Challenge accepted!” He’s making lobster and mac n cheese, which is pretty ambitious for a beach picnic.
Anthony is running late but manages to grill some surf and turf with a side of mac n cheese. Ray complains about the type of noodles Anthony used for the mac n cheese, which is longer than usual.
They think that Anthony just took a bunch of long noodles and cut them in half, which he did. “I’m not even going to waste the calories on this,” Carmen says. Fraser is just speechless.

“This is not just affecting my team in service, but it’s affecting the boat and I know that this tip is going to be sh*t,” Fraser tells the cameras.
Back on the boat, Fraser updates Captain Kerry Titheradge on the picnic and tells them how Anthony big-time failed. Kerry is now thinking about replacing the chef.
The charter guests want to be movie stars
The guests requested a movie premiere night and want to feel like Hollywood actors. Ray and Carmen come as the king and queen of something. Everyone whoops and hollers for them. “This is such a tacky request,” Fraser says to the cameras. “They clearly don’t feel important enough and they need to pay us to make them feel loved.
They all love the food so far because Anthony kept it simple and Ray asks him to pre-make lobster grilled cheese sandwiches for a late-night snack. These guests are clearly obsessed with cheese.
Around midnight, Barbie heats up the pre-made sandwiches but Ray is upset because there’s no lobster grilled cheese sandwich that Anthony promised him before.
Barbie asks Kyle to wake Anthony up and the chef cracks some shellfish in the middle of the night to make some hungry guests food.
The guests depart the next day and not surprisingly, Carmen complains about the non-pork options. “I’m the head b*tch but I didn’t get that.” They give the tip envelope and finally leave the boat, to the crew’s relief.
The tip sucks
Well, the charter guests weren’t happy and it was reflected in their $17,250 tip, which comes out to $1,326 each.

“This is embarrassing. Is it because of the food? I’m going to have to say yes,” Fraser says in a confessional. Captain Kerry says he’s going to talk to some crew members individually, which doesn’t bode well for Anthony.
Chef Anthony Iracane gets chopped
Kerry calls Anthony to the bridge. Anthony doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong but Kerry points out his many mistakes. “This is not the environment for you, mate. You’re not flourishing here.”
“So, why people every day tell me I’m the most amazing chef in the world,” Anthony asks.
“There’s more to being a chef on a super yacht. With the pressures that we have on this boat than just being an amazing chef, if I keep you any longer, I’m going to set you up for disaster. I’m doing you a favor,” Kerry tells him.
Anthony is in shock at being fired for the first time ever in his career. Kerry tells him that he respects him a lot and he has a lot of sympathy for him.
Fraser finds Anthony crying in the galley and gives him a big hug. As much as he feels bad for playing a part in his firing, Fraser knows that it’s for the good of the boat. Anthony is a great chef but perhaps he would do better in a setting where he can let his creative juices flow, instead of of being told to make vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-pork bacon.
How do you like them apples, Ben Willoughby
The crew goes out to dinner and Sunny is sitting next to Dylan. They start talking about growing produce and Ben gets jealous. Dylan makes her promise to visit him in South Africa, which she agrees to. They seal it with two cheek kisses. Muah. Muah.

When the “Below Deck” crew starts playing games, Fraser has to drink out of a shoe, which is gross. Dylan tells Barbie to choose any guy to kiss. Thankfully, it’s not Fraser because he just drank out of a shoe and probably tastes like feet. She just downs her drink so she doesn’t have to make out with anyone.
Back on the boat, everyone’s in bed except for Dylan and Sunny. He asks her if she’s with Ben and she tells him they’re just having fun once in a while.
Dylan then goes in for a kiss and Sunny gives him a hard nope. “I’m not doing that,” she tells him. He asks for a kiss on the cheek and she says, “No.”
“He might look like an athlete, but he’s got no game whatsoever,” Sunny tells the cameras. “He does not know how to flirt and if being mean and trash-talking behind people’s backs is flirting for him, it’s kind of an ick.” Dylan shot his shot and missed. Womp womp.