After weeks of flirting, Barbie Pascual and Kyle Stillie finally seal the deal, which the “Below Deck” crew teases them about. Kyle is all proud of himself. “I’m pretty persistent,” he tells the cameras, which is not something to brag about.
Dylan Pierre De Villiers has some regrets about trying to kiss Sunny Marquis the night before. In case you missed it, he failed epically.
On the deck, he asks Ben Willoughby to slap him, seemingly for moving in on the person he’s sleeping with. However, it’s just because he’s tired and needs to wake up. If Ben wasn’t on the clock and his boss, he probably would have slapped him. Instead, Dylan just slaps himself, which is still gratifying.
There’s a new cheffy on board St. David
The new chef, Nick Tatlock, arrives. He’s already giving batty chef energy. “I’ve been a chef for 22 years. I think I lost my mind a long time ago. Maybe I talked to myself too much. I have a few little ticks and I go a little bit loopy sometimes.”
He adds, “But I’m harmless crazy, you know. I’m not about to murder anyone,” he says in a confessional. Then he chugs some Red Bull.

Nick goes to the wheelhouse to talk to Captain Kerry Titheradge. The cap acknowledges the chef’s experience on big boats and seems confident in his abilities. However, he warns, “I’ve got no room for chefzillas. No throwing knives and pots and pans in there.” Nick says okay, but there’s still a lot of season left.
Barbie Pascual has daddy issues
Barbie is trying to do damage control about sleeping with Kyle and she tells him to keep his trap shut. He says he hasn’t said anything but the crew knows already, like come on. It’s not like they didn’t hear them banging in the bathroom.
Her issue is that she knows her dad will be watching, and hooking up on camera was the one thing he told her not to do before filming “Below Deck.”
“My dad isn’t like, very affectionate, you know? And even when I was married and I was at my house, I wasn’t kissing my husband in front of my father,” she says in a confessional. “It’s just, Dad doesn’t need to see it. And I’m disappointed in myself for disappointing my father.”

Ben Willoughby is a player
On the deck, Sunny checks Ben’s Instagram stories where he did a Q&A. When a fan asked what his favorite snack was, he replied with a pic of Camille Lamb, his past “Below Deck” hookup. “What the hell?” Sunny mutters. “What a little d*ck.”
Sunny goes crying to Barbie and Paris Field, who asks her when Ben and Camille broke up. “It was last year. She cheated on him,” she says. “So I know that we’re just sleeping together, but it’s just, it’s weird. And I’m supposed to act like nothing on deck because work and play’s different, but it’s really hard right now.”

“You deserve respect,” Paris tells her, which hopefully Sunny starts believing soon. Ben goes down to the laundry, where Xandi Olivier tells him, “I hear that you’re being a tosser. You f*ck with my girl Sunshine and I’ll f*ck with you.”
Ben is clueless about what he did wrong, as always, and Paris tells him, “Your Instagram Story. Bit rude.” He answers, “No it’s not.” The tosser is tossing strong. “Poor Sunny, you could have told her,” Paris says.
“We’re not even f*cking dating. What’s wrong with these f*cking girls,” Ben moans.
The next guests are going to be picky about food presentation
It’s the dreaded preference sheet meeting, which determines the vibe for the next charter. The primary is a guy named Alex P. Taylor who is the Senior Community Manager for Yelp, which means he’s in the business of good or bad reviews. The guests want “Instagrammable food,” so Nick has to step up his plating game.
For their first meal, Kerry reads, “Joint display of octopus nachos and whole seafood spread.” They also request a Christmas-themed party and want to end their meal exactly at midnight for “New Year’s Eve.”
Kerry tells Fraser Olender, Nick, and Ben that the guests are going to be high-maintenance so they better be on their A-game.
Barbie Pascual cries to Fraser Olender about her hookup
Barbie has been carrying the weight of her hookup with Kyle all day and she finally confesses to Fraser that she’s not doing well. “I feel like I really disappointed my dad,” she says. “What’s he going to do? Just be angry at you,” he asks her.
“Yeah, he’s going to be really disappointed and embarrassed of me. Everybody made it a thing, Ben thinks it’s like a f*cking joke. I just don’t want this to be a thing anymore,” she cries.

Fraser assures her that the crew doesn’t think badly of the hookup. Kyle, who sees her crying, is like, “Ah man, what the f*ck.”
Ben Willoughby breaks up with Sunny Marquis
Sunny and Ben talk on the deck and he brings up his Instagram Stories. “It took me off guard, like, I wasn’t expecting that. You get it?” He clearly doesn’t and says, “It’s just like, there’s always something.” He tells her, “Yeah, it was annoying. I just need to finish this charter season strong, so you know where we are.”
Ben adds, “I think for now, if we sleep together, we sleep together. If we don’t, we don’t. I don’t think we’re attached to each other whatsoever.” He can’t even be straightforward in his breakup.
He tries to grab Sunny’s hand but she’s not having it. She plays it cool until she leaves and then starts to cry. Just when you think Ben can’t get any worse, he rolls his eyes and mutters, “F*cking chicks, mate.”
Sunny tells Barbie and Paris what just transpired and she blames herself for being “toxic.” Paris says, “He’s being a f*cking d*ckhead and sometimes men need to take responsibility for their actions and how it makes other people feel and he’s not doing that.”
The charter guests like to take pictures
The charter guests are all a mishmash group and it’s clear that they just got together to hire the boat for Instagram pics. More power to them and their sponsorships.

Fraser asks how they know each other and they say it’s through the primary, Alex. They say that they all met through Instagram, which proves that they have no clear connection and just want to document their fabulous lives.
The chef makes the required octopus nachos, which he even agrees is weird. Nick almost messes up when that’s the only seafood dish for lunch after the guests asked for a seafood fest. Fraser reminds Kerry, who then asks Nick to make more seafood and he’s able to scramble up a last-minute scallops dish. Whew. The guests are happy.
Ben Willoughy gets shot down by Camille Lamb
Ben is feeling all sorts of nostalgia and is missing Camille. He’s all like, “Last year with Camille, that’s the magic that I’m after.” He calls her and tells her that he misses her. She says, “Yeah.”
She’s working on her music career in Florida and when Ben tells her he’s going to be there soon, she says, “Oh, I don’t know.”

“I mean, I just got to town like, two months ago,” she tells him, which doesn’t tell him anything, other than that she doesn’t want to see him. He takes the hint and hangs up. “Oh, why am I such a f*cking loser,” he asks himself.
Ben says in a confessional, “I kind of feel stupid because it’s over. It’s a hard pill to swallow. I mean, I’m swallowing it again for the second time. You gotta learn it from the first time, Ben. That’s just stupid. But, I mean, now I know. F*cking chicks.” It’s apparent that Ben’s MO when it comes to women is to blame them.
Christmas in Grenada is a success
The guests are back and the boat is full-on Christmas mode. Little Fraser is so happy, as is the primary guest. One of the charter guests, Steven, is feeling holly jolly over Fraser and wants to meet him under a mistletoe.
Fraser comes out in a Santa outfit and beard and Steven totally wants to sit on his lap.

The guests all dress in red and green. They’re ready for the feast of the seven fishes, which includes salmon on a bed of mashed potatoes, strozzapreti with crab, and lobster with carrot ginger purée. Dinner is a success and Kerry is happy.
Boatmance drama takes over Below Deck
Barbie is minding her own business when Ben comes up to her and tells her that Kyle is upset that she’s mad at him talking about their private business. “Don’t get mad at me because of my personal relationship with Kyle,” she tells him.
Ben tells her that he doesn’t like how she’s pushing Kyle back and informs her that she should talk to him. She points out that he’s not exactly being great to Sunny. Touché!
“Are you kidding me? Do you know how many times I’ve seen Sunny cry? Like Ben, shut up. Go worry about your own relationship,” Barbie tells the cameras.
Barbie is upset at Kyle for running his mouth about their hookup and he finally says sorry. “I apologize fo saying that I wouldn’t talk about it and I have spoke about it and I understand that that’s pissed you off. I’m very sorry, but at the same time like yeah, I need to voice my opinion as well.”
Barbie tells him that she accepts his apology but doesn’t trust him, so we’ll see where they go from here.