The Instagram-loving charter guests are all taking pics of the breakfast spread so as long as it looks good, they don’t care if it tastes like cardboard. Lots of pretty colors to snap. Click!
Fraser Olender sees sparse plates for the eggs Benedict and is afraid to ask Chef Nick Tatlock to throw some greens or something on them so he asks Paris Field to do his dirty work. “Do we have like, a drizzle to garnish the plate a little?” she asks Nick.
“No, he said no oil,” Nick answers. “I think me and you gonna be friends or you’re going to hate me by the end of it.” He just served up passive-aggressive on a platter. With no garnish.
There’s a sprig of parsley on top, which is enough to make the eggs benny Instagram-worthy so the guests are happy.
Sunny Marquis and Ben Willoughby are trying to work together on deck but it’s a bit awkward ever since he made it clear that he missed his ex Camille Lamb.
Cheffy has made tacos for the crew’s lunch and Paris squeezes mayo onto hers. He teases her that she’ll get fat so in a confessional, she deliberately squeezes mayonnaise into her mouth. Barf.

Barbie Pascual’s guilt is eating her up
Barbie Pascual still can’t get over her guilt about sleeping with Kyle Stillie despite being a divorcée in her late 20s because her Argentinian father is super strict.
She calls her sister to spill her “thing” with Kyle, who says, “You know Dad has standards with that kind of stuff.” Barbie admits she’s been coming down on herself because of that and her sister says, “Well, you should’ve thought of that before. Now it’s like, it is what it is, right?”
“Yeah, am I going to disappoint Dad, yeah. But like, at least I’m being myself,” Barbie answers. “And like, being myself is like, I like this guy.”
Barbie tells the cameras that she’s all for respecting her dad but she just wants to be herself, which is someone who likes Kyle, dammit.
New Year’s Eve in Grenada
One of the charter guests, Steven, has taken a fancy to Fraser and vice versa, and there might be a New Year’s Eve kiss. It’s against the rules but Fraser has already cleared it with Captain Kerry Titheradge. Hey, whatever’s best for the crew’s tip.
Whilst the guests are waiting for dinner, Fraser and Steven mentally rip each other’s clothes off low-key flirt.

“I have been single now for about five years. I’ve been out of the game for a while. I think I’ve lost my game. And by ‘I think,’ I mean I’m pretty certain of it,” Fraser tells the cameras. “The fact that I can’t even be seen by this guy without feeling exposed means that I’ve lost it,” he laughs.
Nick has made a surf and turf and tries to put foam on the lobster. Instead, it’s like those whipped cream canisters with nothing left except a watery blob.

Fraser is horrified by the presentation but even more so that none of the guests seem to care. Instead, they’re helping each other create content with three people lighting the plate with their cameras and one person taking snaps. Click, click!

Do they even eat their food or is it just for IG? By this time, their surf and turf have gotten cold AF.
During dinner, Steven is hot and Fraser helps him take off his pants. The guests all film it for their Instagram Stories of course. “This is the best New Year’s Eve ever,” Fraser says.
It’s almost midnight and they do the countdown. Fraser reaches over to Steven and they give each other a chaste smooch. “I was kinda hopeful for a bit more,” Fraser tells Barbie. Apparently, so did Steven because he texts Fraser, “Really sleeping in your room or is that a hard no?” Fraser answers, “Very unfortunately, it is a fireable offense, sir.”
Chef Nick Tatlock vs. garnishes (and Fraser)
The next morning, Nick is making breakfast and Fraser gets on him about possibly putting some cherry tomatoes as garnishes. Nick laughs it off as tacky and he’s over the whole garnish thing. At this point, he’ll send out a plate completely bare.
A guest wants chocolate crepes but Nick wants to put the chocolate on the side, which isn’t a crepe. “He doesn’t want to take any advice. He doesn’t listen,” Fraser complains to the cameras.
It’s time for the guests to leave and the primaries could not be happier with their experience, which is well-documented on Instagram. Hopefully, their sponsorships have covered the cost of their charter plus the tip, which looks promising. They get $23,000 total, which amounts to $1,769 per crew. Not bad.
Captain Kerry calls Fraser up to the wheelhouse to ask him about Nick. “I’m working with him phenomenally well … I don’t want to speak too soon, but equally, I’m just very underwhelmed with all of the food,” the chief stew says. “There is zero presentation, he’s not friendly, everything’s approached with, ‘No, we’re doing my way or no way.'”

Kerry looks concerned. “It feels to me like you don’t want to be as helpful as you were with Anthony. That’s how it feels.”
Fraser bites his tongue but tells the cameras that Nick is the one not working well with him or his team so he doesn’t know what to do at this point. Kerry tells Fraser to let Nick feel his way out and let him do his food thing.
The next charter guests are Marine and Rob, who are yacht owners. They’re bringing along their son Bobby and his girlfriend Eden, along with their daughters Sarah and Kate, along with their friends Chloe and Daly. Their requirements are a sushi beach picnic and a themed “Dressed to Kill” dinner inspired by the James Bond movie “Casino Royale.” The crew better bring it because they have high expectations.
Fraser Olender reunites with Steven
It’s the crew’s night out before the next charter guests come and Fraser gets a text from Steven. Paris encourages him to meet up with the rich charter guest, because why would he not.

Ben goes over to Sunny and hugs her from behind. She tells him he smells like garlic because why is he trying to flirt with her after giving mixed messages? Stay in your lane.
They go to a club and lo and behold, Steven shows up. He and Fraser hug like long-lost lovers. “I’m literally obsessed with you,” Fraser tells him, and then they make out.

Fraser is not the only one to let loose. Barbie is done feeling guilty about hooking up with Kyle. “The public affection, that’s new for me. But, I’m trying to be more open. It feels good,” she tells the cameras.