The drama between Fraser Olender and Barbie Pascual continues on in “Below Deck” Season 11 Episode 5. After Fraser tries to tell his stew what’s up during a night out, which is never a good idea, she pushes back — at first.
In a surprisingly self-aware moment, Barbie tells her boss, “I get it. I’m a spoiled b***h who gets everything she wants all the f***ing time and I need to get the f*** over it. I need to grow up. Like who do I think I am?” At this point, she’s laying it on a bit thick. She still needs to be believable.

Fraser obviously sees through her and says in a confessional, “In yachting, work ethic and attitude is everything. She loves to say that she’s honest and she just says it how it is, but that’s just not how life works. You need to filter.”
However, at the moment, Fraser’s willing to let it go. “Let’s get drunk and have fun,” he says, which never happens on “Below Deck” only for the crew to wake up the next morning hungover and regretting their life decisions while they scrub the deck/squeegee showers.
It’s late and the night is coming to a close. Barbie reveals that she’s not that into Jared Woodin anymore despite proposing to him in the last episode. “I don’t know. It’s just like the way he talks,” Barbie says during the car ride home. Cut to Jared in the other car slurring/mumbling something.
Apparently, the crew is not done drinking and continues their debauchery in the hot tub. Ben Willoughby and Sunny Marquis start making out, which Cat Baugh doesn’t look too happy about. It’s apparent he hasn’t learned his lessons from his past seasons on “Below Deck.”

While Ben and Sunny are getting their thing on in the cabin, Jared is not so happy in his, and it’s not because of Barbie. “I only get but two times a week to talk to my daughter. I’m in jeopardy of losing all communication if I do not adhere and stick to the schedule that I have,” he says in a confessional.
Barbie and deckhand Kyle Stillie talk while he eats a burger and she tells him that she’s a Jew at heart and that she wants to convert to Judaism at some point. “I love Jewish people. My soul is Jewish,” she says. “You’re supposed to give your wife three things in Judaism: a house, clothes, and sex.” We see where her priorities lie.
“I’ve never been drawn to religion until I started getting into Judaism,” Barbie tells the camera. “The second time I went to Israel and I stood in front of the wall, I bawled my eyes out for two hours. That was when I really was connected to something way bigger than me.”
Despite loving the religion, Barbie shares with Kyle that she’s not quite ready to convert just yet. “But I really want it and I feel it.”
Jared Woodin and Captain Kerry Titheradge have a talk
The next morning, everyone’s hungover except for Captain Kerry Titheradge, who acts as Jared’s therapist/sounding board. “Last night was particularly difficult for me. I was very emotional because Tuesdays and Fridays were the times that I’m supposed to speak with my daughter,” Jared confides to Captain Kerry.
“And not having phone service and I wasn’t able to speak with my daughter … “

Captain Kerry sympathizes with Jared getting emotional. “You’re stronger at showing emotion than hiding it,” he tells the bosun.
“When I was going through a divorce, I couldn’t do my job. And I tried many different methods of trying to get my s**t together. I got rid of drinking, started exercising, I started listening to self-help books … so I can relate to him,” Captain Kerry tells the camera.
Kerry gives Jared sound advice, which is to keep his head in the game and not get wasted. He needs to think about his job and the safety of the boat as a bosun while staying mentally strong enough to go through his battles. They bro hug and hopefully, the talk has gotten through to Jared.
On the deck, Ben and Sunny flirt over cleaning products. Captain Kerry is in the wheelhouse trying to learn Turkish for his girlfriend but he’s interrupted by Fraser who wants to give him the dish about Cat.
“Cat, I think she may be going through things outside of work, which I sympathize with,” Fraser tells him as if Kerry didn’t just give a therapy session to Jared. The chief stew informs the captain that Cat has been teary lately, to which Kerry advises Fraser to give her extra space and some break time.
Fraser then informs Kerry that Barbie has done an about-face and is the perfect Stepford-Stew, despite her back-talking him at the bar the night before.
Poor Xandi Olivier has to teach Cat how to do hospital corners on the bedsheets because we all know Fraser won’t.

Jared tries to flirt with Barbie but his lines just don’t land. “I could be sad, I could be mad. But every time I see you, I just end up being glad,” he tells her in the crew mess. She’s not in kindergarten so she’s not impressed. “Dude, you’re getting so cheesy with it,” she tells him. “I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry,” Jared says, not taking the hint.
Jared also has trouble connecting with the provisioner while trying to get specific towels for the boat. “I just need towels. There has to be towels on this island,” he tells the lady, who is not having it. His social skills need to be worked on.
The crew gets to know the new charter guests
The favorite preference sheet meeting occurs for the next charter guests. Fraser is informed that the primary guest Tina doesn’t want a champagne glass but would rather drink out of a plastic cup. Fraser starts to glitch.

Sophisticated drinkware isn’t the only thing Tina hates. “Dislikes beef, pork, poultry, eggs, tofu…
Captain Kerry reads from the preference sheet. “She’s got a lot of problems, this woman,” Fraser says in a confessional. Tina does, however, want to snorkel, so there’s that.
On the night before the next guests come, Fraser tells the interior crew that he’s making Xandi 2nd Stew, which she deserves for being so patient with Cat. Also, so far, she’s not gotten into any drama with the rest of the “Below Deck” cast and seems to be the only one without any personal agenda messing up her stew game.
However, she seems to poo-poo her new rank and says in a confessional, “Honestly, I don’t need a stripe to prove my worth. And now, this is going to cause more attention to me.” She’s not wrong because Barbie starts complaining about how Xandi is “up Fraser’s ass” and that she considers herself the second stew. That’s not how ranking works, Barbie.
The charter guests are worse than their preference sheets
The first thing that Tina does after greeting the crew is to reach for her plastic champagne cup. Who knows if she had a traumatic bar fight or chipped her teeth on a glass, but as long as she’s shelling out the big bucks for a superyacht, she can drink out of a Solo cup if she wants.
At lunch, guest Eileen starts slurring, which is a portent of things to come. “You know what, you better start behaving,” she tells Rich, Tina’s husband. “How do you put up with him?” Eileen slurs. “I feel like he’s provoked by Eileen,” Tina says. Eileen threatens and jokes that she’s going to throw Rich under water but he’s unbothered. He asks how many drinks she’s had and she says she’s only had five, which is not that much for “Below Deck” charter guests.

The crew gets ready for Monte Carlo night but it’s interrupted by Eileen, who tells the crew that her husband Mike is trapped in the shower after a glass panel fell over. They get him out and all is good. “Let’s geeeooow!” Eileen yells at dinner.
Things get worse from there. “Can you set my plate more quietly?” Tina’s business partner Mike asks Barbie. “It’s so loud,” he says. Meanwhile, Eileen continues to slur through dinner. The rich ladies start to fight because their desserts come out not at the same time. “Nighty night girl,” Tina says as she walks away. Rich people fight over the strangest things.
Poor Jared
Okay, the rich people getting messy drunk is funny but when Jared reveals that Eileen told him, “It’s a good thing you’re good-looking because you’ve got nothing else going for you,” that’s messed up. “These people suck,” Barbie says. “I need a drink,” Eileen tells the group, unnecessarily. This is the first time viewers feel sorry for Barbie and the charter guests just may tip the favors toward the stew in the next episode.