Things are better aboard the Mustique after Aesha Scott divided the laundry duties between Bri Muller and Elena Dubaich. Joe Bradley coaches deckhand Gael Cameron on driving the tender and she’s elated at doing a great job.
The next charter guests want a fire and ice party so there are huge balloon arches delivered. Aesha thought she’d have to blow up all the balloons herself so she’s happy to see them already assembled.
The sun is shining, the weather is cooperating, and people are getting along. What could go wrong?
The charter guests from hell
It’s a short charter so it should be an easy one. However, the guests say, “Hold my beer.” Upon pickup, the primary is complaining about getting picked up on the tender. She can’t navigate the small vessel with her long dress. Perhaps dress for boating next time.
The guests want to take Instagram pics but don’t like the chairs on the main deck aft because they’re an “eyesore.” They ask Aesha to move them somewhere, like, just chuck them in the water or something.

While they’re all hanging out by the bar, the guest asks Aesha to fetch her espresso martini that’s sitting on a table five feet away. “It’s over there,” she says in a snooty tone. “I am more than happy to grab your very, very close drink for you,” Aesha tells the cameras. “Just ask me politely.”
They want vodka sodas, vodka on the rocks, espresso martinis, vodka here, vodka there, vodka everywhere. Elena is going crazy trying to keep up and just when she has their drinks ready, they go inside. “What just happened,” she says.
The fish knife vs. the butter knife
The guests have requested caviar so Chef Jono Shillingford has provided some with homemade blinis. Surprise, surprise, they don’t like it and one guest thinks the caviar tastes like a “washcloth.”
It’s dinner time and Jono has prepared sea bass and crab cous cous. It goes over way better than the caviar and they’re all happy.
However, one guest complains about having a butter knife but nothing to use it with. “Where is my bread and butter?” she demands.

When Aesha comes out, she explains that the knife is in fact used for fish and is not a butter knife. “Oh, she’s trying to school me,” the guest says.
Aesha explains how the knife is supposed to work and then the guest hits back with, “Well, your caviar service sucked. Just saying.”
After Aesha leaves, the Karen keeps going on and on about the knife. “Everybody thought it was a butter knife, so did I! This looks like a butter knife!” The others pretend to care but it’s clear no one does.
Captain Sandy Yawn tells the guests who’s boss
Captain Sandy Yawn is aware of the fish knife situation and asks Aesha how the guests are the next morning. She’s told that they’re still as obnoxious as ever. “Okay, leave it with me,” Sandy says.
She goes to check on the guests and one of the men compliments the staff. This gives Sandy the chance to not-so-subtly say, “I always say this. If you beat character down, you’re going to kill their spirit. But if you’re gracious and you’re thankful, you’re going to build them up and they’re going to want to do more for you.”
Sandy goes on to tell them that she once had a client who spent about $1 million on a charter and was so rude to the staff that she threatened to end the charter short. The boss is bossing.

The fish knife girl mutters, “I’m like, over this conversation.” Sandy continues, “They turned it around where they were like, cleaning their plate. We’re like, no, you don’t have to clean your plate! Just be kind.” Message delivered.
Elena Dubaich has forgiven Joe Bradley
Elena and Joe take the guests to go look at some old Greek ruins. He has a list of facts but no one’s listening. They just want to take selfies. “This is dedicated to the goddess of fertility and agriculture,” he reads from his notes. All of a sudden, everyone is interested.
Joe says he’s ready to have kids RIGHT NOW and they all make him and Elena take a picture together. It seems she’s over the song he made up about her and Bri and she plants a big ole smooch on his cheek.

“I don’t know if it’s fertility temple energy but in spite of everything that’s happened between Joe and I, he definitely has his charm and I think there has always been this attraction between us,” Elena tells the cameras. “The fact that these guests are picking up on this chemistry between us kind of validates what I’ve been sensing this entire time.”
Captain Sandy Yawn is heartbroken over her dog
Poor Captain Sandy has just learned from her girlfriend Leah Shafer that their dog Bailey has died. She tells Aesha, who gives her a big hug.

Sandy says in a confessional that she had Bailey for five years but Leah was the one who initially had the dog for 11 years. “She was just all love,” Sandy recalls.
In Sandy’s cabin, Aesha tells her, “I’m so sorry you’re not there. And so this is like the hardest part about yachting is having to miss all these things.”
“Being a captain, you’re at sea when a lot of death happens. The most difficult time in my life, my mom and my dad died when I was at sea. And now losing Bailey, it brings up all your losses,” Sandy tells the cameras. RIP Bailey.
Joe Bradley is in a pickle
Joe is in the crew mess confiding to Gael and Nate about Elena’s sudden friendliness. He’s kind of scared of her it seems.
Meanwhile, Elena tells Gael in their cabin that she’s fancying Joe. She has no idea that he’s playing both her and Bri.
The guests depart and they’re all nice and friendly after Sandy’s warning. Let this be a lesson to future rude charer guests. Elena takes this opportunity to ask Joe out on a date. Girl, didn’t you call yourself a Lamborghini? Lambos don’t ask Nissan Sentras out on dates.
She finds him on deck and says, “I have a question for you. So, I wanted to invite you on a little date tonight.”

“Just me and you?” he asks. That’s what a date is, Joe. “Let’s do it,” he says and then gives her a high five. This is not looking promising.
Elena is all excited but Joe is feeling trapped. He tells Nathan that he’s going to cancel the date. “No, don’t bro,” Nathan tells him because he’s smart. Joe is not so he doesn’t listen.
As Elena is curling her hair for her date she asks Joe if he’s excited. He sits her down and says, “I don’t want any strings attached. To be honest with you, I feel a lot of pressure and I don’t want a date.”
Elena looks rightfully surprised and if Joe has any pet bunnies, he’d better hide them now.