“The Real Housewives of Dubai” friendships are pretty split down the middle, with newcomer Taleen Marie being the friendliest with Sara al Madani and Caroline Brooks. The three do a hangout at Taleen’s house and Caroline talks about how she loves them so much, unlike how she feels about Caroline Stanbury, Leesa Milan, and Chanel Ayan. “We’re just all trying to get along,” Sara says.
Meanwhile, Stanbury, Leesa, and Chanel have their own meetup. Chanel is exhausted from the brunch the day before and complains about Taleen screaming in her ear the whole time. “I was exhausted mentally from it,” she says. “That’s how I felt about you last year,” Stanbury quips.
Chanel says she’s really hurt by Sara’s comment about her playing the victim after opening up about her female genitalia mutilation. Stanbury understands but thinks Sara didn’t intend it that way.

“But I don’t know that. She didn’t tell me that,” Chanel protests. Leesa explains that Sara meant, “Ayan is playing victim,” not “Ayan is a victim of circumstance.”
Sara says in a confessional, “I said she was playing a victim as in like, every time she does anything wrong, she says, ‘I was traumatized when I was a kid.’ So that’s her excuse to bad behavior.”
Chanel Ayan writes Sara al Madani a letter
Chanel and Sara meet up to talk about their issues. The former model tells Sara, “I felt really bad because I think I chose a lot of words that I shouldn’t have used. It wasn’t okay. I couldn’t sleep, so I wrote you a letter.” Sara exclaims, “What?!”

She reads the letter: “I would like to apologize. It was the wrong time to bring up the conversation with you because it was in front of everybody because my darling, now we have bad blood.”
Sara asks, “You wrote this alone?” Chanel says she did but flashback to her husband helping her write the letter. “I’m open to forgive you and turn the page. Love, Ayan,” she finishes.
Sara also apologizes and says that she didn’t mean the “victim” comment in the way Chanel thought but hated that she felt hurt. She gives Chanel an angel crystal to remind her to keep being open and strong. “Just remember you are this. You’re an angel,” Sara says. Chanel tears up and says, “I don’t want to cry because I’m too pretty today.”
“So I think the best thing we can do from now on if you ever hear anything about me, immediately come to me,” Sara tells Chanel, who agrees.
Taleen Marie hosts a fancy Dubai party
Taleen has a get-together at her house with some family members and she’s invited the whole Dubai group. Leesa can’t come because she’s picking her mother up from the airport.
Chanel comes in and gives Taleen a little candle that looks like it’s from Bath & Body Works. She didn’t even bother to put it in a bag and it’s from Christmas. Taleen pretends to love it.

“It’s definitely a regift that’s been sitting in her house for at least six and a half years,” Taleen tells the cameras.
Stanbury walks in with her husband Sergio Carallo and Brooks turns away in disgust. “I don’t even want to say hi to the b*tch,” she mutters. She tells her cousin, “Caroline is such a two-faced little *bleep*.” He tells her, “Be cool.” She replies, “I am going to be cool. I’m totally cool. Totally cool.” Which is not a lie. This is cool for Brooks.
Brooks goes over to say fake hi to Stanbury and says loudly, “Taleen, I hope you waxed your vagina this time.” It’s a dig against Stanbury who told the group during the brunch that Taleen was once so drunk that she fell off her chair and flashed everyone her lady parts.
Sergio is so shocked that he starts speaking in Spanish. Sara tells Brooks to stop. Soon, Taleen and Brooks are tipsy and start dancing and getting loud.

“I’m not that surprised that Brooks and Taleen are wasted because every time I’ve seen them lately, they’re wasted.
The two Carolines talk
The shots are flowing and Brooks is lit AF. She and Stanbury do a shot of tequila and tells her, “I’ve missed you a little bit even though you’re a b*tch to me.” Stanbury replies, “Uh, pot kettle black.”
“Well, be nice to me. We’ve been friends for a long time. Don’t be a b*tch to me. Be nice to me,” Brooks says. “I will be nice to you. You got to be nice too,” Stanbury answers back. Brooks won’t let it go and keeps harping on how her friend is a big meano.
They go talk on the balcony in private. Stanbury says that she knows Brooks told Taleen that she didn’t like her and that she heard it from the Season 2 newbie herself. Brooks calls Taleen over and tells her what was just said.

“You told me, you’re like, ‘Look, Caroline’s not your fan,'” Taleen says. Brooks explains that it was because Caroline said she saw Taleen’s hoo-ha. “This is a lot of tension about my vagina,” Taleen says in a confessional.
Brooks starts yelling about how she was defending Taleen, who is over it and just wants to let it go. Sergio is concerned and Chanel joins the group. Taleen admits, “Brooks is loyal to a f*cking fault,” which doesn’t sound like a compliment.
“You don’t know this woman from a hole in the wall. From a can of paint,” Brooks tells Taleen. Stanbury gets up to leave because she can’t argue with Brooks at this point.