Caroline Stanbury’s new home is coming along which means it’s in a state of utter disarray, she’s sleeping on the floor, and her fountain is leaking.
She has just invited the rest of the cast to a desert party on Saturday and her husband Sergio Carrallo’s parents are coming the next day so she is juggling a lot at the moment.
Chanel Ayan comes to visit and she’s dressed in a bejeweled dress and long white satin gloves. You know, typical afternoon visiting look.
Upstairs, Caroline shows Chanel the nursery for her future offspring and she asks how she’s going to take care of a baby from her bedroom which is a floor higher. Caroline responds that she’s going to have a baby nurse like she had with her other kids, duh.
Sergio says, “The baby has to be with us, honey.” We all know that Caroline doesn’t do diapers. She brushes off his concerns and herds them downstairs for some food.
Chanel tells the cameras, “Sergio really, really wants a baby in his soul … I honestly believe that if Caroline doesn’t give Sergio a baby, this marriage is not going to work.”
She then drops a bomb on Caroline that her daughter Yasmine doesn’t want her to have a baby because he or she will be raised by a nanny. Caroline poo-poos it and says that she was a working mom at the time and was home on the weekends.
“She’s fine,” she says of her daughter, whom she thinks had it good compared to her upbringing where she had nannies wearing brown uniforms and probably called her “Miss Caroline” when she was just a wee child.
Taleen Marie is getting tired of Caroline Brooks’ antics
Taleen Marie and her husband Rafael Khanoyan are spending quality time with their two daughters by having their nanny play with them at an animal park. She tells him about Lesa Milan giving her lip at the queens dinner and wonders if her BFF Caroline Brooks is running her mouth.
She tells the cameras that the morning after, Brooks called her to say that she heard Stanbury tell Lesa she didn’t know why Taleen pulled her away from the table to talk to her about Sergio. Supposedly, Stanbury said, “We’re not friends like that.”
Taleen then reveals that Brooks told her, “Don’t you get it? Stanbury doesn’t like you.” After talking to Brooks, Taleen called Stanbury to ask if she said what Brooks claimed, and she was told no.
Stanbury then called Lesa who claimed that that’s not what she heard her say at the dinner table. “I specifically told Brooks Stanbury was also confused as to why Taleen needed to pull her to the side,” Lesa explains to the cameras. “That was it.”

At the park, Taleen asks Rafael if perhaps Brooks is trying to cause a wedge between her and Stanbury. “She does sometimes instigate things,” she says. Rafael advises her to talk to Brooks but warns, “Choose your words.”
Sara Al Madani is testing her new man
Sara Al Madani is seeing a new guy named Akin but wants to make sure he’s good to her son Maktoum and reality television so they all go for an afternoon snack.
Akin and Maktoum are already bros, having spent the day together because Sara wants to see if Akin is stepdad-worthy. Their hangout consisted of getting gas station slushies and basketball.
“I need my son’s approval and I need his feedback because he wants a father figure so badly. But at the same time, it comes with a risk because what if it doesn’t work,” she says in a confessional. “My son gets attached and then the guy is gone.”

Because kids will be kids, Makoum asks Akin, “When are you going to be my dad or stepdad?” Sara is horrified but Akin hasn’t run yet so there’s that.
Sergio Carrallo has baby fever
Caroline and Sergio go to check on their embryo and he wants to insert it into his wife STAT. Meanwhile, Caroline blames the stress of moving on not wanting to carry a child.
The doctor tells them that ideally, Caroline should get pregnant before she turns 50. It was at that moment that Sergio realized how much older she was than him.

“That’s like one and a half years,” he says, still not knowing how old his wife is. “She’s 46 now. In a month she’ll be 47,” the doctor reminds him. Sergio should perhaps brush up on Caroline’s stats.
Caroline asks about surrogacy but it’s still illegal in Dubai so she would have to transport the embryo to another country. She’s not sure about having the baby carried and delivered in the U.S. while she’s in Dubai and jokes that she’d likely forget about the baby until it’s born and in her arms.
Sergio, on the other hand, wants the whole deal. “I want this picture of Caroline naked with her tummy out. I have to have it.”
The doctor then shows them a picture of the embryo and Sergio asks where the face is. This is a man who asked last season if they can transport their baby from one woman to another. It’s worrisome to think that Sergio will be responsible for another human being.
Akin gets the third-degree
Chanel, Brooks, Sara, and friend Saba Yosouf meet up for a Ramadan meal to break their fast. Sara has brought Akin and they all like what they see.
They all dig in and the questioning starts. Saba asks what kind of modeling he does and he says, “Sports clothes, normal clothes, streetwear.” He tells them that he’s Muslim, his dad is American, and he’s working on moving to Dubai.

Brooks is happy for Sara and thinks Akin could be a good role model for Maktoum. She’s all for this relationship as a single mom herself.
Sara talks about having mom guilt and then asks Brooks if there’s something going on with Lesa because of how snippy she got at the queens dinner.
Chanel explains that Lesa has a lot going on with her mom leaving Dubai, taking care of her kids and husband while also working on her business.
“She needs to take it easy because as a mom, you can burn out as well,” Sara says, even though no one asked her for advice. Chanel doesn’t want to talk about Lesa behind her back and tells Sara to talk to her herself if she’s so concerned.
Cracks in Taleen and Caroline Brooks’ friendship
Brooks and Taleen meet up for drinks to catch up. Taleen Brooks that she needs to get something off her chest and says, “I feel as though you can instigate behind the scenes.”

Brooks looks taken aback and Taleen explains, “You are maybe fearful that I’m not going to have your back or I’m not going to be blindly loyal to you.” She brings up their conversation about Stanbury and Brooks reiterates that she heard the comment from Lesa.
Taleen doesn’t think Brooks was coming to her from a place of concern. “Are you crazy? Don’t do that,” Brooks says. Taleen isn’t buying it and Brooks is mad that her friend is seemingly taking Stanbury’s side. “There’s no moving forward,” Brooks says and they leave in a huff.
Stanbury’s in-laws have arrived but she has strategically unfortunately planned a girls’ trip to the desert. Instead of a party bus, the cast is shuttled over in a dinky minivan without air conditioning. However, waiting for them at the end of their sweaty trip are luxury sports cars.
Taleen goes with Stanbury and fills her in on her dinner with Brooks. “It was like World War III,” she says. This is when Stanbury starts liking Taleen.
At dinner, Taleen and Brooks start to argue about their conversation in front of all the other housewives. They’re all trying to keep their wigs on in the desert wind but it’s apparent the two friends are no longer BFFs. To be continued…