Chanel Ayan is ready for the big launch of Ayan Beauty, which she’s going to reveal with a fashion show of models wearing her makeup. Her sister Ifrah and brother Sadiq are here to support her. Her son Taj, who is a model, will be walking in the show so it’s a big family affair.
All the ladies arrive and Caroline Stanbury gives Sara Al Madani the cold British shoulder. She’s still mad that Sara chose to take Caroline Brooks’ side in their little feud. Everyone knows that you’re either with Stanbury or against her. A spiritual gangster is not going to have enough ammo to fight Stanbury’s wrath.
After the models all walk, Ayan comes out looking like an African queen in a 10-foot headdress and sparkly gown with a long train. Lesa Marie rushes in to catch some of it. As the show ends, Brooks arrives so late that it’s not even fashionable.
Things are still icy between Brooks and Taleen Marie and they ignore each other. However, Taleen’s husband Rafael Khanoyan tries to make small talk and it’s awkward AF.
Ayan comes in with an outfit change and tells the girls she’s happy that they came even if a couple were late, ahem, Lesa and Brooks.
Stanbury’s husband Sergio Carrallo takes Sara aside to talk about her tension with his wife. “I fought for your wife. Your wife never fought for me, ever. When I’m attacked, she never has my back,” Sara tells him.
He blames it on Stanbury being “independent” and urges Sara to talk to her. She reveals in a confessional that she and Stanbury did have a talk after the desert showdown but things still aren’t right between them.
Caroline Brooks and Taleen Marie make up… for now
Brooks and Taleen attempt to talk out their own issues. “If your feelings were hurt by some insensitive things that I’ve said, I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” Brooks tells her friend. “You mean that?” Taleen asks.
“Yes, b*tch, would I say it?’ Brooks says. “I got an apology from Caroline Brooks. Hell has frozen over!” Taleen crows.

Because Brooks used up all her nice quota, she shades Ayan by hinting that her beauty brand was all done by her partner Toni Malt.
“Toni Malt put on a beautiful event. I’m really proud of Toni for what she did for Ayan. I loved everything that Toni designed and I’m proud of Ayan Beauty by Toni Malt,” Brooks tells the cameras.
Then, after the fashion show, Brooks tells Sara and Lesa that Taleen is a “beggar” who begged her to bring her along to RHODubai events.
“Taleen begged me to be on television. That’s honestly what she begged for,” Brooks says in a confessional.
“But you guys made up so you guys are good,” Lesa tells Brooks at lunch. She responds, “Oh please.”
Taleen Marie finds out Caroline Brooks called her a beggar
Chanel, Lesa, Stanbury, and Taleen meet up for drinks at a resort overlooking the beach. Lesa announces that during lunch with Brooks and Sara, they decided that they all needed to go away and have planned a trip to Bali. The RHODubai cast is finally big enough to go on an international trip! We have arrived, b*tches!

The theme of the trip is “Eat, Pray, Party,” but it will most likely turn into “Drink, Fight, Cry.” Stanbury tells the cameras, “I can’t really see myself praying in Bali with Sara or partying with Brooks right now but I love Bali and so I’ll be first on that plane.”
Taleen tells everyone how happy she is to get an apology from Brooks. Lesa tells them that Brooks has said that she didn’t do anything wrong and reveals how she called Taleen a “beggar.”
Chanel is so shocked she lets out a scream and Taleen’s eyes bug out. To call one of these rich b*tches a “beggar” is like saying they shop at TJ Maxx.
“How do you go from an apology to then calling me a beggar?” Taleen asks the cameras. “When she apologized to me, she apologized for her reaction and how she handled the whole thing. But now she’s saying that she apologized for calling me a beggar?”
Housewarming hell
Stanbury’s new house is ready enough for a housewarming party and it’s new beginnings for everyone including Sergio and Stanbury’s daughter Yasmine. She gives props to Sergio for coming into a new household and still staying, despite having to deal with a cranky teenager. He should understand, having been Yasmine’s age not too long ago.
Brooks comes in and the shadiness starts with her waving sage around the house. Like come on girl, can’t you wait until your third cockie?
Taleen has no intentions of talking to Brooks after finding out she called her a beggar. Who is she, Oliver Twist?
The guests sit down for dinner but Brooks has thrown a wrench in the seating because she brought her nail technician friend Rania without telling the host. They figure it out and then Stanbury starts her speech. “I have a few things to say,” Sergio interrupts. “Okay, well, let me finish and then you may,” she tells him in her English schoolmarm voice.

After her speech, Sergio says, “You can sit now, honey.” Dominance asserted. Chanel mutters how Stanbury is the one paying all the bills.
But wait — Brooks tells the cameras that Stanbury’s friend Michael is the one who pays the mortgage, utility, and all other bills. Chanel confirms this in her own confessional. This begs the question, what’s Michael getting out of it?
During dinner, Brooks starts spiraling and mutters how fake Taleen is for using her to get close to the other housewives. Taleen chooses to ignore her but then asks Brooks about it later, who admits that she called her friend a beggar.
“Correct yourself, lady,” Rafael says from the sidelines. “Shame on you, Caroline, shame on you,” Taleen adds.
Everyone tries to dispel the fighting but Brooks accuses Taleen of drinking and slurring her words. Rafael steps in and says, “You’re not going to throw my wife under the bus.”
He talks about Brooks shutting her mouth and she’s not having it. Sergio tells Stanbury to go intervene but she tells him to just leave it. She’s only concerned about her B&B Italia white sofa that costs more than the housewives’ mortgage (but not hers obvs).