After Caroline Stanbury tells the ladies about Sara Al Madani’s voice note to Lesa Milan, everything goes to hell. Lesa tells Chanel Ayan that she can’t trust her anymore because she revealed the voice note to Stanbury and Taleen Marie.
Sara is confused and keeps asking them what voice note they’re talking about. “Lesa, to be fair, she didn’t say it was yours,” Stanbury says.
Lesa explains that she sent Chanel the voice note because she didn’t know if Sara was talking badly about Brooks after her fight with Taleen and wanted clarification. They play the message which shows Sara saying to Lesa, “You explained yourself, ‘Even if I’m not Brooks’ fan, I will still not stand for that.'”
Sara is then heard saying that she wasn’t Taleen’s biggest fan at the moment because she was yelling at Brooks.
Taleen understands and Sara forgives her voice note being used as ammo but Chanel has had it and excuses herself from the table.
A friendship severed over a voice note
Lesa checks on Chanel but the cameras show her walking away distraught. “I’m so mad at her. I’m so f*cking pissed,” she cries.
“I get to Ayan’s room to check on her and she shouted, “F*ck you, how dare you say that you’re not going to ever send me anything. How dare you embarrass me like that in front of all the girls,'” Lesa explains in a confessional.

She tries to call her husband Rich Hall but he doesn’t answer so she calls Chanel’s husband Chris Pillot. “I’m so mad at Ayan and Rich is not answering,” she says. Chris asks what’s wrong and Lesa explains how she shared a voice note with Stanbury, who in turn shared it with Chanel.”
Rich then calls and Lesa tells him what happened. He reassures her that everything will be okay but she says, “I’ve never been spoken to like that in my entire life.” The girls are supposed to go out but Lesa is too upset. He urges her to go and have fun.
Glowsticks and cheap tequila shots
Lesa rallies and sticks on her pink glow sticks. The “RHODubai” cast minus Chanel go to a club and on the way there, they wonder why Chanel is MIA. “She’s upset that she got called out and then it was about me,” Stanbury says.
She thinks both Taleen and Sara have the right to be upset but Chanel is being unreasonably mad at the moment. “She knows she shouldn’t have played that voice note to us,” Stanbury tells the cameras.

Everyone puts their differences aside for the sake of partying it up in Bali and the one thing they can all agree on is that the liquor is way cheaper compared to Dubai. “We were drinking petrol,” Stanbury says.
Taleen finds a guy with long hair for Brooks but she’s not interested. However, he’s a manager at a local club and takes the cast to other locales so he’s useful in some way. If anything, they’re jealous of his long hair.
At this point, Stanbury is now drunk enough to dance on stage and this prompts the other housewives to join her.

“All Stanbury needed was an ’80s song. Finally, the party has started,” Taleen says. This is what “Real Housewives” cast trips are about.
Chanel Ayan and Lesa Milan make up over the voice note
Drinking petrol has its consequences and Stanbury is suffering. Sara has planned a healing trip to a sacred waterfall but Stanbury would rather sleep and get a vitamin drip. However, she manages to get her ass up and out of bed because it’s a paycheck after all.
Chanel is still upset about last night but she’s mostly mad that Stanbury outed her sharing the voice notes. “I trusted her so fast and she used it against me,” she tells the cameras. “Now she’s also causing an issue between me and Lesa so I’m really mad about that.”
At breakfast, Lesa gets emotional and walks away. Chanel follows her and gives her a hug. “I didn’t have to shout. I was really in a bad place,” she says. “But we don’t speak like that to each other,” Lesa tells her tearfully.

Chanel tells her that it hurt when she said that she didn’t trust her. “I should not have said that I don’t trust you,” Lesa says. The two apologize to each other and they move on.
The Hangover
The “RHODubai” cast are in their vans ready to go to the waterfall for some spiritual healing. Unfortunately, Taleen and Stanbury are hungover as hell. Before they even leave, Stanbury tells Sara that she’d rather be in bed.

While in the car, Stanbury needs to pull over and throw up. Even then, she’s British polite. “Stop the car, sir,” she pleads. At this point, Sara and Saba Yussouf are over Stanbury’s whining.
“I get it. You’re hungover. Your stomach is upset. However, she has no compassion, no empathy, no respect to anyone with her except herself,” Sara says in a confessional.
When they get to the waterfall, the guides give the ladies offerings to give to each statue. The first part is an offering to the Hindu god Shiva but as a Christian, Lesa feels uncomfortable. “I’m not praying right here,” she says.
“Lesa where was your moral highground last night?” Taleen asks the cameras, referring to her castmate dancing provocatively at the club. “I didn’t know you were all of a sudden so conservative.”
They all get to a healing waterfall where they’re supposed to scream all their traumas away. Stanbury chooses to sit this part out.
Sara, Brooks, and Lesa scream and they let out their demons. Taleen does as well but nothing happens. Stanbury just checks her phone. Hey, everyone is on their different journey, right?
The Carolines finally agree on something
Lesa is in charge of food but wants to fully immerse the “RHODubai” cast in the Bali experience so she’s rented traditional garb for the ladies all given by Miss Indonesia’s designer. They dresses are beautiful but Brooks, Taleen, and Stanbury are less than happy about their assigned clothing.
“I got the worst color out of all of them,” Taleen says while getting ready. “Your skirt looks like someone did a poop,” Stanbury agrees.
“These are not couture dresses, these are not made for us,” she tells the cameras. “This was taken off some poor girl that works in a restaurant down the road and probably has to be returned in an hour.”
Stanbury comes out half-dressed and says, “Nothing is going to make this dress look good.”

“I am not going down like this,” Taleen declares. Brooks says, “We should have had an option. I would have never chosen mustard yellow. I don’t wear mustard yellow!” Oh dear.