Melissa and Joe Gorga are having a nice dinner and cockies with Melissa’s mom Donna Marco. Her arm is still not 100% after her fall. Melissa tells the cameras that she’s worried about her mom being alone at 75 years old and has noticed that she’s forgetting things a lot more lately.
After being widowed for the second time, Donna is seeing a new guy but she doesn’t want to live with him. “It’s the power of the P,” Melissa says out of nowhere. “It’s called ‘The Golden P,'” Donna chimes in. Ew.
Margaret Josephs defends herself
Dolores Catania has invited Margaret Josephs over to talk about Jackie Goldschneider claiming there was some sh*t-talking going on.
“I love Dolores. There’s no underlying bullsh*t with us. Jackie tried to put something in her head. Do I think Dolores believes it? No, but I think Dolores is always a little paranoid-thinking … because that’s her nature,” Marge says in a confessional.
At Dolores’ house, Margaret says, “This whole Jackie thing, I’m going to be honest, it did throw me for a loop a little.”
“She said you said horrible things about me and Paul,” Dolores tells her. Margaret answers, “I know and I have never. And this I could take to the grave and swear on my kids — never said a bad word about you.”

Margaret admits she was upset because Dolores and Paul Connell had dinner with Teresa Giudice and Luis Ruelas after the reunion last year. She says Paul loves Tre and Luis and thinks he prefers them over herself.
“That’s very wrong. Not that he liked them more, but you separated from us. You stopped calling,” Dolores says, adding that she called Margaret multiple times but it went to voicemail. She then asks if that was the only thing she said about Paul.
“Maybe one other thing I said is, you know when I was having my little fit of rage, I’d always say, you know, if she was still with David [Principe], this wouldn’t have happened,” Margaret admits. Dolores looks like Teresa did after Melissa gave her sprinkle cookies.

Dolores tells the cameras, “Margaret talks a lot of sh*t. A lot. But I’m also going to say, Margaret has been a good friend. This isn’t worth me getting so crazy about.” We know this is something she’s not going to forget, however. Strike one, Marge.
Jackie Goldschneider is green with envy
Speaking of grudges, Danielle Cabral is getting ready for Melissa’s fashion show and anticipates that Jennifer Aydin is going to be there. After their physical altercation, her husband Nate Cabral advises her to keep her face neutral.
“No aggressive faces. You’ve got to stop with those werewolf faces,” he tells his wife. “Just don’t flare your nostrils.”
At the event, the housewives come dressed in their finest Envy outfits. Jackie comes in and awkwardly says hi to them, and Margaret doesn’t even look at her. Meanwhile, Danielle declares that she will not say one word to Jennifer.
“Listen, Jackie and I aren’t getting along. I would never character-assassinate her,” Margaret says. Jackie responds, “No, but you did. You called me a pathetic lose, a fame whore.”
Margaret argues that it was only Jackie after said that she was so much smarter and better than her. Then, because Margaret is spiteful, she asks her if her dress is from Envy. Jackie says it’s not and Marge tells her that Melissa sent her, Danielle, and Rachel Fuda the dresses that they’re wearing.
Jackie’s face immediately falls and says, “Oh, she didn’t even offer me.” She then states, “You know what? I know where I stand. I know who my friends are, I’m good.” Margaret is just gloating like a cat who got the canary.

At the other end of the room, Dolores tells Jackie that she’s not wearing Envy and that Melissa told her she would have given her a dress but didn’t want to force her to wear one. Jackie says that’s not how Margaret came across and she realizes that she’s been played.
Danielle Cabral vs. Jennifer Aydin: Round Two
Teresa and her now-ex-friend Melissa Pfeister are doing a live event of their now-defunct podcast “Namaste B$tches.” The “Skinny Italian” author is screeching with excitement. “Oh woooow! Oh my god, look at that!” she screeches after seeing the sign on a building that looks like a town rec hall posing as a church.
Danielle originally couldn’t come to the live show because her children were in a music video for Kidz Bop but they wrapped early. As she walks in, she overhears Jennifer telling one of Teresa’s friends about their altercation. Danielle just ignores her and walks away.
The podcast starts and the theme is about Teresa finding peace. She reads from her journal an entry about letting go of toxic people, which we all know she had someone write wrote it specifically for this episode.
During a break, the “RHONJ” cast all assemble backstage. Teresa talks about having the episode at a place called “The Cathedral” and Danielle tells Jennifer, “Shock it didn’t burn down with your ass in it, actually.” There goes her promise to Nate.

“That’s very nice, Danielle. Show your true colors,” Jennifer responds, all zen-like. Teresa wants to fix their relationship and Jennifer says, “There are some things that you just can’t fix.”
Tre keeps pushing and Jennifer firmly says, “The answer is no.” In a confessional, she states, “If there’s one person in this group that I’m ride or die for, it’s Teresa. And she knows that. So for her not to do it for me is extremely hurtful.”
As Danielle gets up to leave, she whispers to Jennifer, “By the way, you look like sh*t.” Jennifer shoots back, “So do you!”
After Danielle is gone, Jennifer starts ranting and calling her a “trash box.” Dolores comes out with her Paterson and tells Jennifer to cut it out. “Come on, Dolores. Don’t do that!” she yells.
Dolo says, “You’re a tough girl, you can handle it.” Jennifer tearfully says, “I obviously don’t handle it the correct way, okay? Because the way that I handle it, I want to f*cking pop the b*tch.” Somebody needs some anger management.