Following Mia Thornton’s admission that Inc thinks Jeremiah is his son, the cast is all surprise emoji-faced. When Andy Cohen asks why Inc believes so, Mia says that there was a bit of overlap between him and Gordon Thornton.
However, Mia is convinced Jeremiah is Gordon’s because she did IUI. “He looks just like Gordon,” Ashley Darby inserts.
Karen Huger doesn’t like the speculation and says, “Children are off limits.” She points out that Jeremiah can watch the show or go online and see people questioning his lineage. Andy respectfully moves on from the topic.
Andy pivots to a less touchy subject. “Karen, you called Mia a ho on ‘Watch What Happens Live.'” She argues, “No I did not Andy. You read something from a guest that said, ‘Karen, what do you think of Mia that she said after, uh, Gordon passes or something, she’s gonna be a ho?’ I said, ‘Well, a ho knows a ho.'”
Mia laughs, “So you called you called yourself a ho.” Karen replies, “No, darling, I was calling you a ho.” Mia says, “Takes one to know one!” She then jokes that Andy is the biggest ho, which he proudly admits. No shame in his game.

According to Mia, she wanted to split from Gordon not because of Inc or his dwindling finances but because he was getting all aggro toward her. “Waking me up at 4 o’clock in the morning because you want to have business chats or you know, emptying my bank account as a form of abuse. Like, I wake up and all of my money is at zero. It’s controlling. And I mean, eventually, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do.”
Mia Thornton vs. Candiace Dillard and Wendy Osefo
Mia tells the group that everyone on the “RHOP” cast reached out to her after the separation except for Candiace Dillard and Wendy Osefo.
Wendy tells Mia, “In full transparency when Gordon reached out to our husbands in a group chat, he was there to annihilate you. He called you everything but a child of god. It was vicious.”
“So why wouldn’t you call me to check and say, ‘Hey sis, you good?” Mia asks her. “Where we left off last year, you had physically assaulted me. At that moment, I could have said this is my lick back. I had all this information and ammo about you. So while I did not call you, please understand that the woman I am, I never once said anything until today about what he has said about you.”
Candiace says that she was “concerned” for Mia but didn’t want to get involved. Andy points out that calling to check up on a frenemy isn’t getting involved, it’s just being a good person.
“I would reach out to you if it was a reverse role,” Mia says. She reveals that even Karen called her despite them having a prickly year.
Robyn Dixon asks what the living situation is because she has no storyline, and Mia says she’s living in D.C. and Gordon is going to live across the street from her, which is going to be awkward AF when Inc comes by. Also, how does that qualify her as a “RHOP” cast member?
Gizelle Bryant vs. Wendy Osefo
Gizelle Bryant had a hard season, with her oldest daughter Grace moving away to college and dealing with the death of her father. Flashback to Wendy telling the group, “When my mom was having surgery, my mom was in the hospital, Gizelle was making fun of my mother in Texas. I have nothing else to say about her.”
At the reunion, Gizelle says, “That’s a bold-faced lie, Wendy. I didn’t know your mother was in the hospital. They’ve — nobody told me your mother was in the hospital. When did I make fun of your mother?”
“You said you talked to Jamal and you said my mother was evil,” Wendy answers. Andy clarifies, “What she’s saying is that while her mother was in the hospital, you called her evil. She’s saying she did not know your mother was in the hospital.”
“At all!” Gizelle exclaims.

Wendy can’t seem to differentiate that Gizelle made that comment not knowing her mom was sick, despite being a lawyer, and seems to want an apology but she’s not going to get one.
Gizelle talks about her dad and everyone gets teary-eyed. Even Candiace, who despises Robyn, has to pull out a cryangle.
Andy says, “I’m curious why you’re crying, Candiace.” Mia shoots back, “She cries when the wind blows left, chile.” When Andy asks why, Candiace is unable to talk. She eventually says she feels bad for Gizelle while dabbing at her eyes.
Karen Huger gets put on the hot seat
The conversation pivots to Gizelle talking about her daughter going to college in Florida, during which Wendy and Candiace made faces. Andy asks Karen if she feels bad for not sticking up for Gizelle in the moment and she says, “I am not responsible for any of these women and their actions, let’s be clear.”
Karen says she sees all the cast members make faces at each other but Gizelle is not having it. “Karen, don’t do that. I was talking about my daughter. Why would anybody be making any sort of faces?”
Candiace thinks Gizelle is “weaponizing” Grace to make her and Wendy look bad.
Wendy states that she congratulated Grace on her college admission and asked if she was going to join her sorority. Gizelle says it never happened. Wendy is all, “Roll the tapes,” but Andy says they don’t have the footage.
Candiace Dillard is next
Andy brings up Candiace’s social media rants that ended her friendship with Robyn.
Robyn points out that Candiace was also tight with Gizelle, who claims that she had the “Drive Back” singer’s back during the whole Monique Samuels fiasco when they threw down.

“I don’t believe that her support was genuine,” Candiace claims. “I believe that her support was hinged on her hate for Monique.”
Robyn shares that she thought Candiace was being critical of her role in “RHOP” when she slammed her for not being forthcoming about Juan on social media. Too bad both ladies got fired left the show because of their drama.
Candiace tries to defend her actions. “So, we shot the reunion last year on, I think, January 19th. On January 23rd, you posted something and you still had, like, your reunion hair … and you responded and said something like, ‘Well I guess I should probably…”
Robyn interrupts, “I said, ‘It probably makes me look more like a white adjacent-looking woman, which I can’t imagine is a good thing.” She goes on to talk about Candiace’s comments during the reunion about Gizelle’s “white, privileged skin.”
According to Candiace, she was upset because she asked if Robyn was mad at her but didn’t respond. She then reached out to her friend after the Juan cheating allegations came out but Robyn again left her on read.
“I was hurt-hurt. I tweeted what I tweeted so I will apologize for hurting you because that’s not what I wanted to do,” Candiace tells Robyn.
Robyn tells Candiace that she didn’t respond because of the colorism accusation, which had her shooketh. “I mean, it was extremely hurtful to not only be on the receiving end of being accused of being a colorist, which I think is horrible.”
Candiace defends her statement by saying she grew up in a household where they discussed such matters. Still, Robyn and Gizelle don’t think it’s fair that they’re accused of being a colorist every time an issue comes up with anyone darker than them.
The RHOP husbands come out
Happy Eddie, Gordon, Uncle Ben aka Raymond Huger, Chris, and even Nneka Ibrahim’s husband Ikenna Ibrahim are there, but Juan and Michael Darby are suspiciously absent.
Eddie shares that his cannabis business is going strong, so a lot of his customers are also happy. Andy asks Chris how he feels about his lesser role in “RHOP” Season 8 and he says he’s perfectly fine with it as long as certain people don’t talk about him, aka Gizelle and Robyn.
Addressing rumors of a woman who claimed to have gotten pregnant by Chris and then retracted it, the chef says, “I’ve never met this person.” Robyn asks him about certain “screenshots” of their conversation and he insists, “I have never met his person.”

Candiace insists she didn’t pay the woman to retract her statement, while Chris nonchalantly drinks his cocktail.
While Candiace isn’t quick to blame the green-eyed bandits for the rumor, she says, “I am so distrusting at this point of particularly Gizelle. that I don’t put anything past her.”
Gizelle inputs that the random girl stuck up for her and claimed she had nothing to do with the rumors. “She said a lot of things,” Candiace claims.
Andy then asks the husbands how they feel about Juan skipping the reunion when they all have to be in the hot seat. All of a sudden, their balls disappear and they say nothing.
“I don’t want to throw Juan under the bus so I don’t want this comment taken as me criticizing someone else, but I was coming to support my wife — now ex-wife,” Gordon says, throwing both Juan and Mia under the bus in one sentence. Then, he hints that he has a bomb to share and then Bravo throws their viewers under the bus with the “TO BE CONTINUED” sign. Womp womp.