The “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” Season 5 cast is getting ready to go to Milwaukee for Whitney Rose’s girls’ trip. While packing all her Greek paraphernalia to remind everyone that she’s Greek, Angie Katsenevas, who is Greek, tells her husband Shawn Trujillo that she has some tea on Heather Gay’s friend, Britani Bateman.
Angie’s brow girl told her that Britani’s maybe-boyfriend Jared Osmond slid into her DMs and it wasn’t to talk about his uncle Donny. Angie doesn’t know if she should tell Britani because she just met her but at the same time, she wants to be a “girl’s girl.”
The Housewives arrive at the airport in the middle of the night and it’s clear Bronwyn Newport is still upset that Lisa Barlow didn’t defend her to Heather at the ropes course. Lisa tries to say “hi” and hug her but she literally gets the cold shoulder.
A bobblehead scavenger hunt and roulette
Because there’s not much to do in Milwaukee, the Housewives have split up into two groups — Heather, Meredith Marks, Britani, Lisa, and Angie go to a casino to drink and play roulette. Whitney, Bronwyn, Meili Workman, and Mary Cosby have gone to a bobblehead museum where they do a scavenger hunt.
Only one of these activities sounds like a good time and it’s not the latter.

Britani keeps checking her phone so Lisa grabs it and tells her to stop obsessing over Jared. He’s not even the famous Osmond. “You have to be done with him unless he makes a major, major change,” Lisa advises her.
“But he did. He asked me to be his girlfriend,” Britani answers. No one can say anything to that because the delulu is just too thick to cut through.
At the bar, Heather asks Meredith about Whitney wanting to make amends with her. Heather points out that Whitney asked her to bring her caviar to the trip for a tasting, which was her way of making up.
“I’m not sure why her asking me to gift caviar to everyone on the trip is extending an olive branch to me,” Meredith answers.
She then tells Heather that she heard Whitney is taking jewelry designs from Alibaba and selling them on her website for much more. Not Alibaba!
Heather tells Meredith that she should give Whitney a heads up and try to offer some advice as she’s been in the jewelry business for years. Meredith says she’ll think about it, which means “no.”
A bombshell at the Bucks game
The “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” cast manages to get VIP treatment to see the Bucks play and meet a couple of the players. They tell them that they’re huge fans even though we all know they’ve never watched a basketball game in their lives.
Angie takes this opportunity to display her Greek flag and wear her Greek-themed sunglasses. In case no one knew, she’s Greek.
They’re all in the suite minding their own business when Mary announces that she never uses public restrooms and uses a tampon to keep herself from peeing. She says she’s been doing that for years. How is this lady still alive?
Britani FaceTimes Jared and he finally picks up. Not even two feet behind Britani, Angie tells Bronwyn, “She’s obsessed with this guy.” She then relays the story about her brow girl and Jared flirting online.

Angie shows Bronwyn screenshots of the messages, with one revealing that Jared told the brow girl he and Britani were not together.
Britani hangs up the phone and overhears Angie and Bronwyn talking. “Is this about me?” she asks. “Maybe a little,” Angie says. She spills what she knows and Britani tearfully runs to the bathroom. At least there’s no chance she’ll bump into Mary there while she’s crying over a random Osmond.
Meilee gets caught in the Housewives’ melee
Lisa tries to break the ice with Bronwyn, who tells her that Meilee is going to have a chat with her. Apparently, Lisa spread some gossip that Meilee got flagged at Nordstrom for returning too many clothes.
While they were at the bobblehead museum, Meilee asked Bronwyn about the rumor, who in turn, told her to talk to Lisa.
At the Bucks game, Meilee overhears the conversation and asks Lisa what she’s saying about her fashion. Lisa gets on the defense and says she was just making a joke. “It’s not that deep.”
Bronwyn jumps in, “This is the problem, is that you say it’s a snarky comment, it’s a joke, ha ha ha, I can get away with it.” She points out that when she makes a snarky comment about Whitney’s “hilling journey” for example, everyone jumps on her throat.
Lisa apologizes to Bronwyn for not defending her enough to Heather even though she thinks she did. Heather sidles in and Bronwyn accuses her of coming after her at the Besos party. “We need to get correct about a couple of things about how we’re going to have a friendship.”
Heather looks at her like, “I’m the number one Mormon around here.”

She then points out that Bronwyn talks out of both sides of her mouth to everyone in the group. Bronwyn hits back by saying that both Heather and Lisa threw Whitney under the bus for doing the same thing. “You two are her long-ass friends, and that’s not worse?” Bronwyn asks.
“I’m not the root of the problem. I’m just the best-dressed part of the problem,” she says in a confessional while wearing a red and orange monstrosity.