“The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” Season 5, Episode 7 starts off with a continuation of Lisa Barlow and Whitney Rose’s fight. The husbands Justin Rose and John Barlow get involved to defend their wives’ honor and the men are about to throw down.
Just before security is called, Angie Katsenevas asks Mary Cosby to say a prayer because these women clearly need divine intervention. They’re going to need a bit more than the Book of Mormon, however.
Mary asks people to join hands, specifically Lisa and Whitney. They’re both like, “Ew,” and Mary insists so they finally do so but they’re like squabbling siblings. “Don’t lie about me,” Lisa mutters. “Then don’t call me a liar,” Whitney shoots back. “Well then, don’t tell lies about me,” Lisa responds.
After Mary blesses Angie’s family, Lisa and Whitney go back to bickering. Lisa insists she didn’t disparage Whitney’s company through DMs or fake accounts. “None of that is from me so just remember that I wouldn’t do that to you. I could hate you but I wouldn’t do that to you,” she says.
Justin is standing next to Whitney and asks Lisa, “Why do you keep calling her a liar then?” As Lisa is responding, John comes over and shoves Justin out of the way. “Just stay out of this,” he tells him.
Now Justin is mad and the husbands are fighting again. He tells everyone to get John away from him before he makes him do a Love Is Art scene together.
Britani Bateman talks about Jared Osmond … again
After the Mafia party, Britani Bateman stops by Heather Gay’s med spa to go over the night’s events. She says, “Okay, I am dying. I mean, what in the world?”
Heather also can’t believe what happened the night before but she’s of course referring to the husbands almost brawling, while Britani was talking about her ex Jared Osmond showing up unexpectedly. Are we on this hamster wheel again?
She indulges her like a good friend and says, “I could see your pain.” Britani answers, “It’s because I love him. I’m so confused because he’s so good to me on the one hand and so not all in on the other hand.”

Heather calls Britani out for claiming she’s going to stay single and fix her relationship with her daughters. She loves her but she’s seeing Britani go through the same patterns with guys over and over again.
Britani can’t handle the criticism and calls Heather “condescending.” She asks if she’s ever been in toxic relationships and Heather says she has. “It f*cked up my entire life.”
At the end of the day, Britani just wants to be loved but perhaps she should focus on guys who aren’t Osmonds. Or maybe just no guys at all. Be single. Go on a retreat. Eat, pray, love, girl.
Whitney Rose and Angie K try to recruit Bronwyn to their side
Angie, Whitney, and Bronwyn Newport go on a nice walky-walk in the brisk Salt Lake City cold. After some pleasantries, Whitney yells out of nowhere, “I’m pissed. I’m pissed off. I think that Lisa and John owe my husband a major apology.”
“Do you think they think that they owe him an apology?” Angie asks. Whitney says, “Well, John did text Justin so we’ll see.”

Bronwyn asks Whitney why she thinks Lisa was the one who spread the Alibaba rumors. Whitney and Angie both think that when Lisa’s mad, her goal is to lash back. Bronwyn tries to defend her friend by saying she’s never seen that side to Lisa but Whitney warns her that it’ll come eventually.
On a happier note, Bronwyn tells Whitney and Angie that she’s throwing a little anniversary trip for the “RHOSLC” cast, including their husbands, in Thermal, California near Palm Springs. She says Britani isn’t invited and she’s still not sure about Heather. “I think Heather stirs the pot and refuses to acknowledge that she does.”
Angie agrees and thinks Heather is the one who got in between her friendship with Lisa by blindly backing her. “She’s only fully supporting Lisa. She’s not trying to see both sides.” Bronwyn and Whitney nod their heads in agreement but they’re freezing and you can tell they just want to finish the scene so they can go back inside.
Heather Gay and Angie Katesenavas hash things out
Britani has invited Heather and Angie to her bible group where she honors her late mom and it’s a touching moment. Afterward, Heather announces that Bronwyn invited her over for a chat. Angie thinks Bronwyn wants to make nice and appreciates her direct nature.
Heather, on the other hand, thinks that Bronwyn confronting Angie about her comment concerning Lisa’s parenting was “slimy.” Angie argues that Heather should have said something directly to her. “I did come to you. I gasped when you said it. And I said, ‘Don’t mom-shame Lisa about electronics,'” Heather responds.
Angie argues that she wasn’t mom-shaming Lisa despite how Heather relayed the conversation to her. Heather immediately gets defensive and says, “Who says I took it to her like that?”

Angie explains that according to Bronwyn, Lisa cried after hearing what she said about her parenting. “Bronwyn doesn’t f*cking know. Bronwyn wasn’t there!” Heather exclaims. Oops, did she forget that it was a night of worship?
Angie thinks Heather is just up Lisa’s ass and wants to sit at the cool girls’ table. “I’ve seen you support people whether they’re right or wrong,” she tells her. Heather asks what she means by that and Angie confirms that she’s referring to Jen Shah. Oof. Point delivered and made.
The two finally have a hallelujah moment when Heather admits she could have had Angie’s back more. She’s sad that Angie and Lisa’s friendship is on the rocks and hopes they can mend it.
John Barlow sucks at parallel parking
It’s time for the husbands to meet up to discuss their wives’ fight. John pulls up to the restaurant and after about 20 minutes of reversing, he gets his car fairly close to the curb.
John and Justin sit at a table and look at each other awkwardly. After ordering smashed potatoes, Justin tells John that he was surprised at the level of intensity Lisa came at him during Angie’s party.

He refers to Lisa screaming at him at the top of her lungs and says, “Obviously, I’m going to respond.” John tells him that he was “scared” at the way Justin looked angry and supposedly took a step toward Lisa.
Justin acknowledges that John might have interpreted it that way the first time. However, he asks him what set him off the second time when he merely leaned toward Lisa to respond to her allegations before John pushed him out of the way.
“I apologize for doing that,” John says. “It was a snap reaction kind of still from what had happened before and just trying to get every and any type of separation.”
John then asks Justin if he feels he should apologize to Lisa. Justin tries not to laugh in John’s face. “Yeah, I’ll have to think about that one, for sure.” He doesn’t think he owes Lisa an apology when she came after him screaming first.
“We’ll play it by ear,” John says. They nod awkwardly at each other and no one eats the smashed potatoes.
Bronwyn Newport and Heather Gay fight about who’s messier
Heather goes over to Bronwyn’s house and it’s like a box of crayons threw up inside. There are also doggie accidents all over the floor. “It’s beautiful,” Heather says unconvincingly while dodging landmines.
They sit down for some pastries and Heather gets right into it. “I was surprised you invited me because it seems like you don’t like me very much.”
Bronwyn laughs, “It seems like you don’t like me very much either.” She brings up the time she playfully made fun of Whitney after the Besos party only to have Heather rat her out.
“I left thinking like, you and I were having fun,” Bronwyn says. “I thought we were talking about everybody … and then I thought you were telling Whitney things I had said to you maybe in a different tone than I’d said it then.”
She admits to getting messy by throwing Heather under the bus to the group as well and apologizes. She just wants to move on but first, she wants Heather to acknowledge that she was messy too. Heather refuses to do so and asks Bronwyn why she even invited her over.

“I invited you over because I am inviting everybody on a trip this weekend and I don’t know that you and I are in a place for you to come. But I think if I don’t invite you, that is going to cause a huge issue. And you and I will never move past it,” Bronwyn explains.
“So you’re planning a trip and I’m here to like, sing for my supper and like, earn an invite?” Heather asks. Bronwyn is clearly not going to get an inch and Heather storms out without taking any accountability for her actions. It’s safe to say she’s not going to Thermal.