Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard continue talking about him hiding the full extent of his conversation about their relationship with his stepfather Lou and mom Sharon last week.
“I should’ve just talked to you right after New Jersey and I just don’t like the fact that it took me time to even talk to you,” he says. “I don’t want to have any secrets from you,” he adds after he kept the convo a secret from her until Amanda Batula told him to tell Lindsay about it.
“My parents love you. They just want the best for us,” Carl says. Lindsay looks like she’s trying not to get activated.
At dinner outside, Danielle Olivera wants to know what’s going on but Amanda doesn’t say anything because she doesn’t want to spill their business.
Inside, Lindsay tells Carl that everything is good and hashed out. She wants to go back to dinner and they kiss and make up.
Narrator: In fact, all was not good. “So let me get this straight. Your parents said pretty f*cked up things about your future marriage to me and then I’m the one who has to console you about it. Huh?” Lindsay says in a confessional.
“You know, yeah, thanks for telling me but like, I think that’s weird. My parents would never say anything negative about the man I’m about to marry because it is my decision and they will follow my lead on my decision.”
Lindsay and Carl go back to dinner but everyone’s all awkward now. Even West Wilson can’t think of anything funny to say.
Everyone awkwardly gets up and the girls reconvene inside. Lindsay tells them what Lou said about being a minister and not being on board with her and Carl marrying. Paige DeSorbo’s eyes bug out like that Snapchat filter.

“This is why you don’t run to your parents and tell them everything. If I went to my dad every time we fought, guess what, my dad would be like, ‘Yo, I have concerns too,’” Lindsay says.
Tarot time
Gabby Prescod has hired a tarot card reader and astrologer named Alyssa to read the “Summer House” cast’s fortune.
Jesse Solomon is walking around sulking and West thinks it’s because Ciara Miller called him a “trash bag” for sleeping around. Little does he know that Jesse confessed to the cameras that he found a lump in his testicles and is worried that his cancer has come back.
Kyle Cooke gets his reading first. His card for the future is Temperance, which means he’s going to find a balance between his party ways and settling down with a family. His mullet looks unconvinced.

Alyssa tells Lindsay that her cards tell her that no matter what life throws at her, she should look forward and not backward. Jesse’s reading gives him the Four of Pentacles, to which he responds, “Did you say testicles?”
Everyone laughs but Alyssa says that the card indicates how he shouldn’t hold things in during troubled times. “You take everything in on your own and you don’t let other people actually in.” Jesse Solomon answers, “I had my doubts, but that really hit home.”
Kyle Cooke puts in his two cents
The cast is winding down to go to bed but Carl and Kyle are sitting outside. “Dude, I’m so f*cked,” Carl tells Kyle. “The conversation with my parents, it’s bad. It’s really bad. They were hard on her. Very.”
“Listen, friend to friend, you gotta give me the full picture,” Kyle answers. “There are times this summer where I felt like you were kind of sugarcoating things. You’re basically trying to soften the blow.”
Carl flat-out tells Kyle that his parents questioned his future with Lindsay. “They definitely have concerns about the volatility causing me to like, go off the deep end. Because that’s certainly happened to my brother when he got stressed.”
“There are times where you need to put yourself first. It’s your mental health, it’s your happiness, it’s your career. You let the anxiety get the best of you today. I could see it,” Kyle says to Carl.
In a confessional, Kyle says, “Carl has an incredible relationship with his mom, and if she’s concerned about the volatility, that says a lot.”

“I’ve had concerns all along. I’ve purposely not voiced them but ah, obviously, I’m not the only one. I do worry that there’s a lot more that he’s holding back.”
Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard get into another fight
Carl has just come in from a business meeting with a non-alcoholic company and tells Lindsay, “I don’t think I’m necessarily a fit for those roles. But the career thing as we told earlier in the summer, like, I wanted to have something figured out by Labor Day, right?”
“I’m a man of my word and I wanted to make sure you know I’m not like, not doing anything about this … and I think the Loverboy thing is a great idea,” Carl says.
Lindsay tells him that going back to Loverboy is akin to rekindling a romance with an ex. Carl thinks that after taking some time apart from Kyle and the brand, he’s ready to jump back in.
However, he’s hesitant because he’s brought up some business ideas, such as his sober sports bar, and Lindsay has kiboshed them so he’s scared to bring things up with her.

“I’m not like a ‘yes’ person. I’m a very realistic practical person. You said that the last eight months, like, you’ve been decompressing because the last four years at Loveryboy were so difficult and tumultuous and volatile for you, so of course I’m going to like, ask about that and like, if that’s the right choice for you on an emotional level,” Lindsay says.
She offers not to ask him questions if it stresses him out but then Carl accuses her of being defensive. The fight escalates and Lindsay goes off to cry.
Boys vs. Girls
Lindsay goes outside to talk to the girls and tells them that Carl was defensive about his career talk. She understands that Carl just wants her to support him but she can’t give her opinion without him feeling like she’s overriding him.
Meanwhile, Carl is over with the guys and tells them that Lindsay is not supportive of him going back to Loverboy. “Everything that she has said about your career so far, I don’t think she’s pointed you down any type of path that makes any sense. In fact, she’s just closing doors and then giving you a hard time as she’s closing them,” Kyle says.
Carl feels like Lindsay just critiques every decision he makes. Lindsay is just worried that Carl doesn’t have the ambition that matches her, which is a major boner-killer. “You’re not going to want to f*ck someone when you’re driving every f*cking ship,” Ciara says. Lindsay is like, amen sister.

“I think it’s fair of Lindsay to question what Carl is going to do with his life but it’s probably frustrating for Carl when then he finds an opportunity and she immediately shoots it down. But again, I understand her concern,” Jesse Solomon tells the cameras. “I’m Switzerland on this one.”
Kyle Cooke loses his shorts
The “Summer House” gang goes on a boat excursion. It’s just a small pontoon because they’re not that rich but they still have fun. Kyle goes on a sea-bob and for some reason, he loses his shorts. “His ass is the color of a pale Victorian child,” Ciara says. She gives him a pair of her shorts which embarrassingly, fit him perfectly.

While Ciara is taking a nappy, Paige talks to West about his intentions. She tells him she heard from Lindsay that he’s talking to other girls. “I have plenty of like, flirtatious relationships with like, other girls or whatever … We’re not at the point where like, I would like, shut down every contact I have with other women,” he answers.
Paige then asks if West is sleeping with other girls and he says no, but he thinks it’s weird to be exclusive when he and Ciara are not even having sex. She then threatens to kill her if he hurts Ciara and means it.
Kyle Cooke and Amanda Batula fight about Loverboy
Kyle and Amanda discuss what the tarot card lady said about her not having a direction apart from Loverboy. She says she’s always been supportive of Kyle’s Loverboy dream and wants to be on the team but also is thinking about doing something for herself. “There’s a lot of times I feel like I live in your shadow,” she tells him.
“I want to support you in whatever you do, but I also need your help,” Kyle responds. Amanda assures him that she’s not going anywhere. She emphasizes that she left her graphic design career to help him with Loverboy and he tells her that he still needs her help.

“We assumed we’d be profitable this year even when we grew our team and grew our expenses. But right now, like, we are losing money,” Kyle tells the cameras.
Kyle insists that he needs Amanda’s help whilst criticizing her for not giving her full effort every day. He makes it seem like she lays in bed all day eating Bonbons while he slaves on his computer. She insists that she’s not leaving Loverboy. Kyle, on the other hand, feels stressed because he feels like he’s the only one working toward their financial future.
Jesse Solomon breaks down and Kyle Cooke has a meltdown
Jesse Solomon has been open about his testicular cancer and gearing up for his five-year checkup. If he’s cleared, that means he has a great chance of being cancer-free. As the “Summer House” group gets back to the house, he starts crying to West about his upcoming checkup.
“It’s just super real,” he says. West tells him, “It’s f*cking huge. It’s not a normal day in your life. Of course, you’re going to be scared. They go out and West threatens to beat up anyone that is mean to Jesse Solomon.
Kyle tries to talk to Amanda, who is not having it. “So I apologize for being a little concerned about … ” Then, Amanda interrupts, “Yourself?” He walks away with a “F*ck you.”
Outside, Kyle rants, “I am done trying to babysit my f*cking wife. She wants to have a passion project, she wants to have a purpose, okay cool. You know what I want? I want to be a f*cking DJ. But right now, I’m trying to build a future.”
He tells Danielle and Carl that he works 18-hour days and that Amanda would be fired from a regular company because she doesn’t. “I’m f*cking done,” Kyle says.”