Kyle Cooke is continuing his tantrum from the last “Summer House” Season 8 episode because his wife Amanda Batula wants an identity apart from him and Loverboy.
“The first few years that I did the house with you guys, I feel like everyone sees me as like, Kyle’s girlfriend. I don’t want to be Kyle’s girlfriend. I want to be Amanda,” she tells Lindsay Hubbard.
Outside, Danielle Olivera takes Kyle’s side because she is now the CEO of an app and understands the business life.
Kyle starts crying in his car and Danielle checks up on him. He’s rambling about Amanda making it seem like he’s running Loverboy for fun. Loverboy should be fun! Amanda — not fun!
Carl Radke gaslights Lindsay Hubbard
The next morning, Carl Radke and Lindsay talk after their fight about him wanting to work or not work for some company or Loverboy and him feeling like she’s not supporting his wishy-washy ways.
Lindsay tells him that she understands that he wants her to be all rah-rah about his job prospects but also, this isn’t the time to feel out what he wants to do.
“I feel really defeated by my career and what I’m doing,” Carl admits. “And it feels like being critiqued and questioned, it makes me feel like I can’t do anything right and I can’t make a decision that’s without, like, pissing you off.”
She then asks him why he feels that way and he says, “Because you make me feel that way.” Lindsay has had enough therapy to know that’s a bullsh*t statement and tells him that his feelings are all on him.
Carl suggests that he make a PowerPoint presentation of all the ways she can be a better partner and it’s a reference to her ex Stephen, who presented her with a PowerPoint of how they can resolve their issues.
Lindsay just looks at him like WTF. “Now you’re mocking me,” she tells him. “Exactly, how does it feel?” he asks, not even trying to hide the fact that he is.

Carl says he wants “softness and warmth and strength” from his partner. Lindsay then asks if he even wants to marry her, because the one thing she’s not is soft. She tells him, “Thing aren’t always going to be butterflies and rainbows.”
Jesse Solomon is worried about his cancer returning
Outside, Jesse Solomon opens up to West Wilson and Ciara Miller about feeling worried about his five-year cancer checkup.
“You know, you work so hard and try to do the right things and God’s just looking down like, ‘I could just f*ck your whole life up right now,'” Jesse says. Ciara holds his hands.

“When I turned 30, I was just so f*cking happy to be alive. I just like, walked down the street and got a coffee and a croissant and I was like, this is sick,” Jesse tells them. Ciara gets choked up at that.
Kyle Cooke gets defensive
All the “Summer House” men are in their feels in this episode and only Jesse Solomon is in the right. Paige DeSorbo asks Kyle why he’s sad and he tells her that Amanda wants to pursue something outside of Loverboy.
He says he wants Amanda to be happy but at the same time, if he had her more involved in Loverboy, the company would be more successful.
“Wouldn’t it be so much better if she were excited?” Paige asks. “And if she’s not excited, then would you want her to find something that makes her want to get up in the morning at 7 a.m. and like, work really hard?”
Ciara comes in and tells Kyle, “She is so wrapped up in your entire world. Everything is about you. What if she has something that’s for her?”
Kyle thinks Loverboy is his and Amanda’s baby but Ciara tells him that it’s not and that Amanda needs something apart from his brand.
“I don’t want to have this conversation in five years that she’s leaving you. You’re starting that slippery slope,” Paige warns. Kyle is done with the conversation and stomps upstairs.
“You wont even compromise on moving. Like you wont compromise on anything with her,” Paige yells.

“Let her live in New Jersey and drink her Coronas in the backyard and make a swimsuit line and let it fail. Who cares? Let her be happy!” We should all have a friend like Paige.
After crying upstairs, Kyle comes tearfully tells Amanda that he feels bad about not being supportive of her big-boob swimwear line. He cries some more and Amanda repeats, “You’re okay,” like he’s a toddler.
Carl Radke ditches Lindsay Hubbard
The “Summer House” gang are all getting ready to go home. Danielle and Lindsay want to go to Dockers before going to the city for some girl time. Carl gets upset because he wanted to drive back with Lindsay but she just wants some space.
He does this thing where he’s mad but pretends everything is fine. “I’ll just drive back from the Hamptons by myself. It’s fine,” he says passive-aggresively. Lindsay tells him she needs to put her suitcase in their car so that he could bring it back to the city and his demeanor is like, oh hells no, but the words that come out of his mouth are, “Okay, sounds good.”
Carl then proceeds to put his suitcase in their car and drive away without waiting for Lindsay. She gets outside and sees him gone and says, “Are you kidding me?”

Linday struggles to stuff her suitcase into Danielle’s tiny little car. “Come on. I’m asking for a couple of hours to myself and like, you can’t even take my suitcase home?” she says in a confessional.
Jesse Solomon’s checkup/Ciara and West’s date
The day for Jesse Solomon’s five-year cancer checkup is here and his mom has flown in to be with him. They have coffee before his appointment and he puts on a brave face for her.

Meanwhile, West has taken Ciara horseback riding about an hour away from the city. He knows the way to her heart — until they have The Talk.
After they finish their trail ride, West tells Ciara she should come visit his family farm where his dad is a rancher. Yee haw!
“I would take you home for Thanksgiving it were tomorrow,” West says. Ciara looks doubtful.
“Well, I just feel like it depends on what the objective is,” she says. “I’m the type that like, I know eventually one day I want to be like, married with kids, so I date intentionally. Not that I like, can’t have fun with someone but I’m definitely not trying to like, throw in time into a relationship that’s just like, fun.”
West tells Ciara that he’s gotten serious a few times but then “just stopped,” whatever that means. Sounds like commitment issues. Ciara looks more and more doubtful of a future with him.

He tells her that this is the point he gets scared and leaves the relationship. Ciara asks him what he wants and he says, “I could see you as my girlfriend, obviously not tomorrow. I’d also want to like, get my sh*t together before I really like, lock some sh*t in.”
Alas, Ciara has found herself another f*ckb0i. Although, West is a full escalator above Muppet Mouth. She calls West out and says his comment is an excuse to not let someone in. She tells him that if they’re both seeing other people, he should put a stop on the whole meeting his family for Thanksgiving spiel.
Jesse’s checkup is over and he doesn’t look like he has good news. He calls West and tells him the the doctor did feel something abnormal and they have to wait a few days for the ultrasound results.
“Hopefully, it’s fine. I don’t know. 50-50 shot,” Jesse laughs nervously. West looks worried for his friend and the date is officially a bust.