West Wilson and Jesse Solomon are BFFs now and have hung out in NYC all week. The two are driving to the Hamptons with Ciara Miller and Gabby Prescod. Jesse Solomon tells them a waitress called West “Baby,” and Ciara is ready to throw down. Gabby says, “So the date went well because you’re about to beat someone’s ass.” West admits he and Ciara made out. “There was a little tongue.”
Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard arrive first. He wants to hang out with her while she’s trying to take a nap outside. Lindsay complains to the cameras that she and Carl are always on top of each other because he doesn’t have a 9-5 job, or any job for that matter. Now they’re together at the Hamptons house on the weekend, which is a lot of togetherness for Lindsay.
West’s caravan arrives and the boys bro it out. Ciara leaves after Carl starts barking like a dog. They talk about West and Ciara’s date. Jesse Solomon asks if he’s going to ask Ciara out again and West says, “Uh, yeah.”
Mommy and Daddy arrive, AKA Kyle Cooke and Amanda Batula. This time they left their dogs home. The girls dish about Ciara and West’s date because no one else is getting any action. Danielle Olivera is here and she and Lindsay hug.
Carl Radke talks to Kyle Cooke about Lindsay Hubbard
Outside, Carl and Kyle have a therapy session. Carl says that a lot of his fights with Lindsay aren’t alcohol-related, and he brought up how she completely nixed his sober sports bar idea.
“How’d you feel when Lindsay kind of shot down your idea?” Kyle asks. “Maybe felt like she was taking the wind out of my sail a tiny bit,” Carl answers. “You know, I’ve talked about doing things in the sobriety world and mental health space. She’s had concerns about that. ‘You know, you’re pigeonholing yourself.'”

Kyle tells him Lindsay should try to work with him and talk about his ideas. “Don’t just like, reject it and leave it at that,” Kyle tells his BFF. Carl says he needs to make a decision about his career by the end of the year. “I don’t think she’s listening to what’s important to me,” he tells Kyle.
Night out in the Hamptons
The gang goes out. Lindsay is a few drinks in already and she makes a toast. “Good vibes,” she tells the group, which is a portent of things to come. Carl starts barking again. “I don’t wanna hear Carl’s bark because I might give the ring back,” Lindsay snarks and the group looks shocked.
Lindsay is unaware anything is amiss and goes on with her long toast. “Okay so, I feel like hanging out and enjoying each other’s company and like, doing things together, like, I feel like we didn’t really have last summer.” She turns to Danielle. “Especially us and I feel like we’re doing great … We’re on a different path.”
Kyle is tired of holding up his drink and says, “Okay, cheers.” They all cheers. Lindsay polishes off her martini and orders another one.
Jesse Solomon asks why Paige de Sorbo is in Albany and the group teases him about his crush on her. Lindsay tells him that Paige is a “taken, kept woman.” Kyle is apparently deaf and thinks Lindsay said “captive” and worries that Paige has been kidnapped.
Ciara warns Jesse Solomon that Craig Conover is coming to the Hamptons house next weekend so he needs to stay in his lane. He says he didn’t cross any lines and Danielle calls him out for touching Paige’s leg.

Jesse Solomon can’t say anything. “Listen, I was initially attracted to her but am I going to push with a girl who has a boyfriend? No, it’s an unnecessary obstacle,” he says in a confessional.
Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard fight … again
Carl comes home looking unhappy, followed by Lindsay. Lindsay asks him to unzip her dress and he tells her curtly, “No, I can’t.”
“You’re accusing me of doing drugs again,” Carl says. Lindsay denies it and Carl tells her, “Yes, you did.”
Carl tells the cameras, “We were at dinner, it’s 11:30. I’m tired and I’d like to go home. She comes with me. Soon as we get in the car, ‘What’s wrong? Something’s wrong with you.’ I’m like, ‘Lindsay, it’s been a long day. I’ve realized that I’m just tired.’ Not good enough. She won’t let it go, continues to keep going in on it, and then I say, ‘How many drinks have you had?’ And she goes, ‘What are you on?'”
He shares that he told her that he’s not on anything to which she replied, “You’re a liar.” He says in the confessional, “So infuriating … it’s so hurtful. It’s just not okay. It’s not okay.”
Back at the house, we see Carl telling Lindsay, “You can’t accuse me of doing drugs. It’s so f***ed up, and you did. And if you’re not going to admit that…”
“Carl, do you smoke weed?” she asks. “I do, but I didn’t smoke weed tonight,” he answers. “You’re the biggest gaslighter I have ever met,” she accuses him. Meanwhile, Amanda is blissfully unaware of their fight and is making ramen with a face full of pimple cream.
To make matters worse, Lindsay compares Carl to Tom Sandoval, which is unfair because Carl doesn’t have a creepy mustache and wears white nail polish. Lindsay continues to push back and accuses Carl of picking a fight with her.
They both storm downstairs and now poor Amanda’s peace is ruined. Lindsay wants to vent but Amanda wants to eat her ramen. Alas, she has no choice but to follow Lindsay and leave her late-night carb snack.
“Everyone wants to pin everything on me, Amanda,” Lindsay says. “And he is a f***ing terrorist!” Again, not fair because Carl has never left a shoe bomb anywhere.
Amanda finally eats her ramen, but not in peace. Lindsay sits down across from her and rages on. “As we’re in the car on the way home, he’s like, picking, picking, picking, picking, picking, picking at me. I’m like, what the f***. Like, why are you this aggressive with me?” Lindsay’s two favorite words are “like” and “picking.”

Carl goes to bed like a sensible person but Lindsay keeps going. “All of sudden, he starts, like, switching the narrative, like, and he’s like, ‘Well, you’ve been drinking.’ And I’m like, ‘If you’re gonna accuse me of drinking, then you better be f***ing clean.’ Next thing you know, he jumps out of the car like a f***ing lunatic.”
Amanda tells her, “You guys are hitting a wall right now.” Lindsay answers, “Listen, Carl is the most amazing human being ever, but he has a lot of demons and those demons come out on me.” She then says that Carl has a “bad side no one knows.”
The aftermath of the fight part 2
The rest of the group comes home and they can’t find Carl. They immediately know there was a fight. “That’s two weekends in a row, too,” Kyle says. The cameras show Carl sleeping in a spare room.
They call it a night and West is in Ciara’s room snuggling like they haven’t been in a relationship for three years and are planning a wedding. West tells Ciara that his biggest fear is that he kisses with his eyes open a lot. For some reason, Ciara finds this hilarious.
West goes over to kiss Ciara on her side of the bed with his shoes on. Does this dude ever take off his shoes to sleep? If there’s a fire and everyone needs to run, at least West will be the most prepared.
In a confessional, Carl says he wishes there were cameras in the car so that “Summer House” viewers can see what happened that night. “I was dead sober. I don’t care that Lindsay drinks. I care how her behavior changes when she drinks. It’s a key difference. There’s plenty of people that can drink and they do not turn into aggressive, volatile, detective crazy.”
The next morning, Jesse Solomon asks Carl what happened. “Honestly man, we were just trying to communicate. “You’ve known her for like, all these years. Like, has she always been like this?” he asks. Apparently, he’s never watched “Summer House” and has seen Lindsay activated.
Carl chooses to be nice and says, “Kinda. At times, yes, she can be like that.”
Everyone comes down for breakfast and Lindsay is all cheery and wants bacon. West and Jesse Solomon hug and kiss each other “Good morning.”
Not everyone is all unicorns and rainbows. Lindsay gets up to go outside with her coffee and Carl offers to open the door for her. She goes, “That’s okay, thank you.” Then after she leaves, he slams the door on her and their unresolved issues. Gabby jumps mid-bite.

“Did he just slam the door behind me?” Lindsay asks the air. Poor Amanda is out by the pool trying to relax but is interrupted by Lindsay. “What starts the arguments?” Amanda asks. “Anything could start it. We get into these, like, conflict patterns. He is always questioning my alcohol intake. So, if you’re gonna question my alcohol intake, I’m gonna start questioning your intake of what you do.”
“You do keep talking about how he’s like, doing drugs. And, obviously, we know how, like, sensitive just the word ‘drug’ is with him given his past,” Amanda reasons. “A hundred percent. I bring it up because I find it to be hypocritical. You’re gonna judge me for drinking alcohol. Then why can’t I also question you for smoking weed?”
Amanda points out that when Lindsay questions Carl’s supposed drug intake, she’s not always specific that she’s talking about weed. “I was very specific with him last night,” Lindsay argues.
Carl comes outside and gives them a wide berth. He jumps into the pool like a five-year-old.
Amanda’s talk with Lindsay makes her appreciate her marriage and tells Kyle in front of everyone, “Kyle, I’d just like to say in front of the group that I think you’ve been a great husband so far this weekend.”
Carl Radke spills to the boys
The girls go inside to get ready for Cowfish and West asks Carl what happened with Lindsay. He repeats what he said in the confessional and gets choked up. “I’ve worked really hard to get to where I’m at and she’s now, two weekends in a row, is accusing me of doing drugs or being on something.” He then tells the guys, “If she really wants ‘Old Carl,’ I’ll f***ing burn this house down. I’ll drink 15 Loverboys and we’ll have a real f***ing problem.” West looks concerned.

The group leaves for Cowfish and Lindsay has already started drinking rosé. Gabby, who is tight with Lindsay, says in a confessional, “It’s murky at best and extremely sh*tty at worst to accuse someone who is sober that they could have compromised their sobriety. She’s gonna have to own up to that because that’s not okay.”
Ciara has been getting bombarded with people commenting about her makeout sesh with West. She tells Amanda she’s concerned about how much info West is divulging to the group. “He’s just like, excited that it happened and he, like, can’t keep it in,” Amanda reasons.
“I am the most private girl in the house. I don’t like a guy who kisses and tells,” Ciara tells the cameras. Strike one for West.

Carl and Lindsay talk away from the group. He tells her that he’s not doing drugs. “I not once accused you of doing drugs. I said, ‘Did you smoke weed?'” she responds. “And you said, ‘Are you on something?'” he tells her.
“You just like, shut down at the restaurant. You know that, right?” she asks him. “Lindsay, I’m a guy who doesn’t drink, a guy who is … you saw what I was doing all day. I’m communicating to you that I’m tired,” he states.
They argue about who was being more aggressive. Weed gets brought up and Carl starts yelling. The cast looks on concerned as Lindsay walks away.
Poor Kyle gets stuck talking to Lindsay, who accuses him of taking Carl’s side. “You have to understand, you’re a more vocal person than Carl and so trust me, I understand where you sit because you make it known,” Kyle tells her.
Amanda comforts Carl and his arms and suggests that they all leave. They go home and Gabby tries to have a reasonable conversation with Lindsay, who can’t take any advice or criticism at the moment. She flees the house by squeezing herself out of the gate. To be continued…