The party continues on in “Summer House” Season 8, episode 6. After Lindsay Hubbard drops the bomb that she and Carl Radke only have sex twice a month, the group is preparing dinner. Lindsay seems to be in good spirits while she’s making gravy with Ciara Miller.
Apparently, “Summer House” is trying to make deviled eggs a thing because a plate of it is on full display, complete with slices of olives.
Jesse Solomon tells the group that he went on three and a half dates that week with four different women. His NYC game is strong.
Paige DeSorbo asks him what are the top three things he looks for in a woman. “I would say she’s smart, I want her to care about things in the world that are going on, [and] organized.” Paige says, “That’s an interesting one.” Good thing he’s not going after Ciara because the state of her room would make him run faster than Austen Kroll when a girl asks him to commit.
Jesse Solomon clarifies that he’s good at organizing “big things” like choosing a restaurant but would rather have his date order for him. Paige says, “I don’t like that. I think I’m the opposite.”
Because everyone’s getting along and there’s not enough drama, Kyle Cooke asks Jesse Solomon, “Now that you know that Paige doesn’t want to do the ordering, do you want to rethink how hard you were hitting on her the first couple of weekends?”

Everyone almost spits out their deviled eggs. Craig Conover takes the high ground and says, “She’s a pretty girl. I would too.” Kyle jokes, “I thought it’d be a funny way to break the ice.” Hardy har har.
Kyle doesn’t know when to quit and continues, “I asked Jesse, ‘Who’s your type?’ and he said, ‘Probably Paige.'”
“Why would you do that?” Amanda Batula asks. Awkward silence. She tells him that she’s going to murder him in his sleep. “Amanda, it’s funny. Will you relax? You’re like, wound up like a ball of yarn,” he tells her. Mommy and Daddy are fighting again, and this time, in front of the guests. This gives the group an excuse to go upstairs to get ready for a night out.
Amanda Batula is not happy with Kyle Cooke
Kyle stays downstairs with Jesse Solomon. “I feel like she’s just looking for reasons to give me a hard time,” he tells the tall guy. “I mean bro, it was a little outrageous to call me out in front of her boyfriend,” Jesse Solomon points out.
After Amanda gets ready, she’s clearly not ready to let things go. “Why did you bring that Jesse sh*t up at dinner?” she shouts as she storms in. “Because now everyone is saying how f*cked up it is that you called him out and it’s so embarrassing that you do that.”
“Amanda, what is your problem?” Kyle asks. She tells him it’s because he looks like an a**hole for calling out Jesse Solomon in front of the whole group. He’s still confused but Amanda is still big mad and doesn’t even want to go out anymore. Amanda walks away muttering, “I just can’t do this with him.”
Craig informs Paige aka “Chicken” that Amanda and Kyle are fighting. In a confessional, she says that it stems from Kyle’s comments about Amanda not being a partner and her stewing over his treatment of her.
The guys, who have all coordinated their white shirts, are standing around pre-gaming while Kyle still doesn’t know what he did wrong.

Amanda rallies and when their Lyft (not Uber) gets here, they all leave.
Kyle Cooke and Lindsay Hubbard have a heart-to-heart
At the bar, Kyle pulls Lindsay aside to have a chat. It’s a Christmas in July theme so they’re all wearing Santa hats. How very Hamptons. He acknowledges that he wasn’t on her side when she and Carl fought at Cowfish. “As like, friends to both of you, I hear the pain in both your voices. My two cents from his perspective is, look, ever since I got serious with Amanda, he’s wanted a relationship,” Kyle slurs says.
Kyle explains that Carl is so focused on marriage that he’s ignoring major “red flags.” Lindsay asks if he’s saying that Carl wants the marriage more than actually wanting to be with her. Kyle has put his foot in his mouth for the second time that night.
“No, what I’m saying is I know he loves you. He wants this so bad and what I want you guys to do is try to work through some of this stuff,” Kyle reassures her. “But if I have one sip of alcohol and I have an emotion other than happy, it’s a problem,” she says. “If I’m happy, he’s totally fine. If I’m fun, he’s totally fine.”
Lindsay goes on to tell Kyle that if she’s anything other than a “Stepford wife,” Carl goes nuts. “He’s constantly being like, ‘How many drinks have you had?’ Like, ‘Are you drunk?’ If you’re going to continue questioning me and judging me, unless you’re f*cking perfect, I’m going to question you on the things that you do now.”

She admits the tit-for-tat thing isn’t good but she’s over being questioned by her drinking. She’s also over the conversation and wants to have fun, especially with Carl not being there. Also, it’s hard to have a serious conversation while wearing a Santa hat, so save it for another time, KYLE.
Back at the house West Wilson is drinking water from the kitchen sink and Kyle is still complaining about Amanda to Jesse Solomon. The guy has had testicular cancer twice, can’t he get a break?
Jesse informs Kyle that the married woman he met at the bar is rallying her friends to come over but if she can’t then she’ll just sleep with him. He wants marriage, not to be someone’s mistress, so he just goes to bed. Meanwhile, Kyle doesn’t use his judgment wisely and gets sick from eating too much Sour Patch Kids. Or, it could be the alcohol.
Carl’s here!
The next morning, Paige, Ciara, and West lounge in bed and gossip about Lindsay and Carl. Paige feels bad for Lindsay and thinks she’s putting on a brave face. Then, Carl comes to the house and everyone greets him like there’s nothing wrong and everything will be solved with go-karts.
Everyone is in a good mood and Lindsay is hopeful for her upcoming wedding. Except for Amanda who bashes Kyle for asking where something is. “Look in the fridge Kyle, with your eyes,” she snaps.
The gang gets ready for their race car-themed party. Kyle is dressed like “Evel Knievel meets Elvis” while West is wearing checkered overalls. Meanwhile, Craig looks hot as a “Grease” cast member. Take notes, guys.
However, Ciara wins the day as those blow-up wavy things. “Oh my god, of course, I could go sexy. Boring!”

Amanda again complains about Kyle to Paige. “I was just f*cking annoyed. I feel like he thinks it’s funny and I’m like, just stop,” she says. “I like to tell Craig every day that he’s not funny. Humble em,” Paige answers.
Paige DeSorbo gives sound advice
Paige reveals that she doesn’t want Craig to pay for her living expenses because she had ex-boyfriends hold that over her head. In a confessional, Paige shared a moment where she wanted to change her flight but her bf at the time told her that if she had bought the tickets, she could have changed her flight.
“I just saw it be turned into such a control tactic and I knew from the moment it first happened to me that I would never let anyone ever tell me what I’m going to do and in terms of money.”
“I was always going to pay my own stuff, I was always going to have my own bank account, if I wanted to go somewhere, I would go, and if I wanted to leave somewhere, I would leave.”
Meanwhile, at the party, Paige tells Amanda that she doesn’t think that Kyle appreciates her enough. In a confessional, Amanda says that she didn’t want to quit her job and work for Loverboy but that’s what Kyle wanted. “Maybe we were wrong,” she says.
The guys outside are racing tricycles and for some reason, Kyle thinks it’s a good idea to push West off off his. West ends up with a bloody nose.

West gets patched up and smokes a cigar while asking Ciara about Austen. She tells him that Austen was a “massive mistake situationship.” West understands and is the only one who doesn’t judge Ciara for being with Austen.
Conversations about relationships make Paige and Craig talk about theirs. Paige doesn’t want to depend on a guy for money, which is fair. “I don’t like ever feeling like I owe someone money or like, they can call the shots.”
Amanda commends Lindsay for opening up about Carl last episode. Paige agrees and thinks that’s how it should have been last season. Lindsay says, “I think last summer, I just was very uncomfortable because there was, like, so much tension and judgment.” She points out that she’s never been in a relationship with a sober guy and with someone with a “sex problem.”
Carl tells the guys that things haven’t been great between him and Lindsay for the last couple of weeks, which was evident by the previous episodes this season.
Paige surprisingly has Lindsay’s back, while the other guys hype up Carl to rethink his relationship. “It’s easier to call off or postpone a wedding than it is to get divorced,” Paige tells Lindsay. We all know what happens…