Part one of “The Challenge 39: Battle For A New Championship” Reunion ended with Asaf Goren and Kyland Young about to square off and security had to be called. Kyland was trying to have Melissa Reeves’ back after Asaf threw her under the bus this season.
“He is a man. You’re not a man. You’re a little a little pussy,” Melissa tells Asaf. Devin Walker laughs from the Champs stage.
James Lock defends betraying Zara Zoffany
Flashback to Moriah Jadea telling James Lock that she’ll save him during elimination and if he saves Nurys Mateo, she’ll have to choose between Horacio Gutierrez or Olivia Kaiser. “So it’s kind of, it’s just juicy,” Moriah says. Nurys saves Olivia, which ended with Zara Zofanny in elimination, where she lost against Horacio and Kyland.
“It’s one of the few mistakes I’ve made in my life,” James says. “If you were really sorry, you would have messaged me within these six months,” Zara answers.
James replies, “I lost my integrity that day … That’s why I didn’t message you, because I was embarrassed. Zaza is still salty but forgives James because she’s a good person.

Corey Lay defends throwing Big T and Melissa Reeves under the bus
Host Maria Menounos pivots to when Corey Lay told the group that he was just using Big T and Melissa to get ahead in the game.
“That was not the truth, and I created that so that the broader alliance would believe I was always working with them,” Corey says.
“Okay, so the truth is that you did use them but you didn’t intend to use them from the beginning,” Devin interjects. “So you actually lied to them and your alliance.”
“Yes,” Corey says.

Corey Lay redeems himself
“Corey’s back was against the wall,” Michelle Fitzgerald says. Jay Starett interjects that at that point, Corey was going back and forth between alliances and he was simply standing up for himself. Corey explains that while he was naturally gravitating toward Melissa and Big T, he didn’t want to associate himself with them and get voted into elimination every guys’ day.
Big T is hurt because there was a genuine friendship between her and Corey. Even Melissa finds it hard to hate Corey and stay mad at him because of their connection. “It breaks my heart when you, like, turn against us,” Melissa says, her voice breaking.
“I think I’ve learned based on my mistakes this season that there are things bigger than the game and I went too far against both of you. And I do apologize,” Corey tells them. Melissa and Big T thank him. It’s always nice when issues get resolved during reunions.
Berna Canbeldek burns Colleen Schneider from Turkey
Berna Canbeldek isn’t at the reunion but she somehow found the time to create drama. Over video, she says, “Colleen, my message to you is, oh man, the secret is out. I think it’s game over for you, girl. Sorry. After we did the final, Colleen never really found time to even reply to my messages even though the whole time we were thinking and making plans to celebrate my birthday after the final.”
Berna continues, “I think I have been a huge part in Colleen’s success this season. But now I can see after it’s over that she’s not really grateful … it opened my eyes.”

Colleen Schneider responds that while she appreciated Berna’s protection in the house and acknowledged that it helped her get to the final, she says that the two aren’t best friends. “I’m super busy and I was like, ‘Why is she calling me so often?'” To be fair, Berna is pretty needy.
Ravyn Rochelle snickers and says Colleen only got so far under Berna’ protection and she’s salty that she didn’t make it to the final because of that. Colleen hit back that it was because Ravyn played a messy game. They both start arguing about who played a shadier game and Moriah says they both did.
Michelle questions if Colleen genuinely cared about Berna and Cara Maria Sorbello makes a funny. “Damn Colleen, it looks like you Berna-ed a lot of bridges.”
The Challenge players answers fan questions
Maria asks Devin, “After watching this season, which challenger needs to work on their game if they ever want to reach champion status and what do they need to work on?” He has the option to draw from the chaos sand and lo and behold, he pullos out the Chaos Club so he doesn’t have to answer.
Laurel Stucky isn’t so lucky and the question goes to her. “They all need to work on their game, is like, truly what it is.”

She says Michele keeps making the same mistakes but she was most impressed with how Moriah and Ravyn were able to pivot their game. “And you know, Callum’s just a sh*t show,” Laurel adds.
The next question goes to Ed Eason. “Who had the most disgusting habit and what was it?” He goes right in and says, “Big T was ripping some ass in the house.” Big T admits to it. Michele reveals that she’d be showering in the house and Big T would just mosey on in and take a poop. “I think it’s like a UK thing,” Big T says. It’s more like a Big T thing, actually.
Tori Deal gets asked, “Who do you think is the female ‘Challenge’ GOAT?” Tori says it’s Laurel. “I say this respectfully, I think Cara is amazing. Like, you cannot take what Cara has done for this game … she is also up there. But when I play with Laurel and I see her mentality and the way she breaks things down, like, she is truly in a league of her own.
Jay Starrett vs. Nurys Mateo
Question time is over and now it’s time to deal with Jay and Nurys’ falling out. Nurys says that the rift happened when she started hooking up with Horacio and having to pick a side. Jay says that Colleen and Berna got into his head and convinced him Nurys was going to vote him into elimination.
“I was never ever coming for you until the very end,” Jay says. “Berna and Colleen telling me that you guys were planning and all-girl alliance and Michele was the head.” Nurys responds, “I never even talked to Berna.” Jay apologizes to Nurys for believing Colleen and Berna.
Colleen says she didn’t manipulate Jay and blames Nurys for burning her vote on Emanuel Neagu. “That was not a burn vote, that was a vote. I wanted Emanuel out,” Nurys responds.
She tearfully tells Jay that they were friends outside of ‘The Challenge’ and that they’ve known each other for five years. “You chose f***ing Colleen that everybody knows that she lies. You chose to believe Berna, also someone that you know, that she lies. I was your friend. Five years!”

Jay backpedals and says, “Also in those five years, how many times did we actually hang out and actually call each other?” Nurys says she’s proud to have made it to the final and win second place without backstabbing anyone. “You can make it to the end and not be a snaky-ass friend and that’s what hurts. I got played by the only two people that were my closest friends. Literally Jay and Olivia, those were my only close friends. Those were the two people that were supposed to have my back and be there for me,” Nurys sobs.
Jay tells her that he didn’t turn against her for dating Horacio and that he likes and respects the dude. His reasoning was that he didn’t want to go against Horacio and Kyland during the final. “As the game shifted, things got f***ed up in my own head. People were telling me different things and I called you after the show and I apologized to you genuinely.” Nurys says, “You called me a week ago. Six months later.”
In an attempt to defend himself, Jay tries to explain that after competing in “The Challenge,” he feels so messed up about hurting people that he isolates himself to decompress. Nurys tells him that she just doesn’t trust him anymore and tells him, “Right now, I don’t care to be your friend.”
The cheaters get called out
There are no shortages of showmances on “The Challenge” and this season, Michele fell for tattooed UK player Callum Izzard, while Emanuel fell for pretty much everybody. Too bad Callum and Emanuel failed to disclose they they had girlfriends back at home.
Callum totally takes responsibility for playing Michele and says his relationship was “three weeks old, so take that how you want to take it.” Michele says he led her to believe their showmance was more serious that it seemed and was even about to go visit him in Manchester after the season was over. “I didn’t even find out he had a girlfriend until Episode 1 came on,” she says. James defends Callum and says he’s a “good guy.”

Callum proves he’s a good guy by saying he wasn’t the only one in the house with a relationship back home. Laurel gets all mama bear and tells Callum that she hopes he changes his ways because Michele didn’t deserve what he did to her. He finally shows some emotion other than defensiveness and admits he hurt people, including Michele.
Melissa then reveals that Jay kissed Olivia, which Nurys confirms. Jay denies it because apparently he has a girlfriend. He starts sweating under his baseball cap. Olivia admits that something did happen, which multiple people saw anyway and it’s not like they would collectively lie about something like that. Jay accuses them of coming after him because he went against them this season. “Come on,” Nurys protests. Jay’s got some ‘splaining to do to his girlfriend, if she’s still with him after this episode.
Moriah gets asked about her relationship with Johnny Bananas prior to hooking up with James this season and she gets teary. She says she and Bananas were’t official but she’s upset that she hurt him on camera. She then goes on to say that she’s glad she hooked up with James because Bananas was filming another show and had a hookup. “During that show, he didn’t talk to me at all.”
Now it’s Emanuel’s turn. He admits he made a mistake hooking up with multiple women on the show and that he and his girlfriend ex-girlfriend are no longer together.
In a shocking twist, never-been-seen footage is shown of Emanuel and Berna in the bathroom together, apparently hooking up. He claims he was just looking for “soap.”

It seems like Michele didn’t know that the mic can pick up on sounds and when she thinks they’re about to air something embarrassing between her and Callum, she walks off the set. A producer tells her that it’s only a green screen interview and she sits back down.
The champs have their moment
There’s a debate on whether CT Tamburello or Jordan Wiseley is the GOAT and the majority goes to Jordan. Tori keeps calling Cara Maria out for blocking her and no one knows why. Maria aks Cara Maria, but she doesn’t want to answer for some reason and wants to wrestle it out with Tori, who’s all for it.
Tori thinks she’s blocked because Cara Maria wants to be her partner on “Rivals.” Laurel thinks it’s because after Cara Maria stopped competing, Tori rose up as the next beast. Darrell Taylor seems to agree.
Maria asks one last question. “Jay if you could uninvite one person from this reunion, who would you choose and why?” He opts to try his luck on the draw and picks “Spill.” He chooses Melissa or Big T. Probably Melissa because she’s the one who first revealed his hookup with Olivia.
Conquest time
Maria asks the cast who they would purge or save for the final. Jay plays it safe yet again and chooses Asaf over Michele because she’s good at puzzles and would probably beat him. Olivia saves Nurys over Horacio to redeem herself. Nurys returns the favor and chooses Olivia over Jay. Laurel is asked to choose between Callum and Michele, and she gives Callum a big middle finger. With that, “The Challenge” Season 39 is over.