Cara Maria Sorbello is fresh off her win against Rachel Robinson. Jasmine Reynaud is still baffled as to why she was handed Rachel’s star. “You have given me a final. I’m ready. I’m not afraid of you,” Jasmine tells the cameras. To be fair, Jasmine has no chance against Cara Maria in a final, yet alone an elimination, unless it’s a puzzle.
Brandon Nelson, on the other hand, is scared because he voted in Cara Maria despite them being so-called friends. It’s most likely a guys’ elimination next so he needs to watch his back, along with Kam Williams.
“Kam, Brandon … you know that Julia Roberts movie where she’s like, ‘Big mistake. Big. Huge,’ Same, same. I’m ready for battle,” Cara Maria tells the cameras.
Leroy Garrett opens up about fatherhood
Leroy Garrett the Barber is giving Adam Larson a fresh haircut and spills deets about his journey to fatherhood.
“I mean, I feel like I’ve definitely matured a lot. You know, I definitely wasn’t the best with relationships neither,” Leroy admits.
“My son has been one of the biggest blessings of my life but when he came out, um, I was scared. I’m not trying to be perfect but when I’m dead and gone, I want to be able to say that I did a great job with my child,” he tells the cameras.

Leroy admits that he felt a lot of pressure at being a new dad and didn’t realize that men could have post-partum depression. Kam states that she’s happy that Leroy was able to be open about his feelings.
“We definitely had that vulnerable moment throughout our relationship, which I think just makes us even stronger,” Kam says.
What is going on with Nicole Zanatta and Lauren Stucky
For two exes that have sworn off each other for eternity, Nicole Zanatta and Lauren Stucky sure are acting all chummy. They’re wrestling on the floor and giggling like they didn’t have a bad breakup.

“Laurel and I are on a roller coaster. I know she hates the term ‘roller coaster’ but that’s what it is and I feel like neither one of us wants to just get off or we don’t know how to get off because like, the door’s stuck or something,” Nicole says in a confessional.
“Sometimes I feel like when you’re connected to somebody and you are in a relationship with them, a lot of times, it’s like a magnet,” Laurel tells the cameras.
Flora Alekseyeun tells Nicole that it’s obvious that Laurel still has feelings for her and that she should make it known if she’s not interested.
“I told her,” Nicole says. “You told her but your actions are different,” Flora argues. Nicole admits that the attention is nice but Flora tells her to put a stop to all the flirting because it’s not nice to lead Laurel on.
Leroy Garrett tries to be the peacemaker
Leroy knows that it’s not good to have Cara Maria Sorbello as an enemy so he tries to get her and Kam to talk.
Kam tells Cara Maria that she’s hurt because she didn’t vote for Rachel to go against Ayanna Mackins. Cara Maria argues that the point is moot because Rachel beat Ayanna anyway, so why does that matter. Basically, you have to either stand with Kam or not at all.
Then, Cara Maria tells Brandon that she’s hurt that he voted for her and thought they were friends. Brandon says, “We haven’t really had a conversation in about eight years. I got married, I had two kids, my dad died, I almost died twice in two major car accidents, marriage failed. You wouldn’t know that because we don’t talk.”

“I’m a f*cking hermit when I’m at home. I live my life. I don’t follow everybody’s life,” is Cara Maria’s feeble argument. To be fair, you can’t call someone a close friend when you barely talk to them.
“Right, but why would I risk $250K on somebody who hasn’t checked on me in eight years?” Brandon asks her.
“This talk was absolutely pointless. Good job, guys. Let’s go to the challenge,” Leroy tells the cameras. Nice try, Leroy.
Blast from the past challenge
The daily challenge is like Mario Kart but with giant masks worn by the players. “It’s called Bobblehead Bobsled,” TJ Lavin says. He’s actually going to partake in the challenge by racing down the slide and opening a team’s water valve.
The team has to race down and collect as many water bags as they can and refill the water that’s leaking. After they’re done pouring out all their bags into the container, they shut off the valve, and their time stops. The team who has the fastest time and most water wins.
The first team to go is Brad Fiorenza, Jasmine, Leroy, and Nicole. Brad is at the lead and he’s going so fast that the bags drop as soon as he tries to grab them. Nicole is yelling at him to slow down.

They’re all mad at him because he dropped so many bags. Leroy’s pissed because it’s a guys’ elimination that day.
The next to go are Tina Barta, Steve Meinke, Kefla Hare, Derek Chavez, and Kam. They send the men down first to grab all the bags and Derek grabs the most.
Ace Young, Veronica Portillo, Jay Mitchell, Cara Maria, and Adam go. next. Adam literally has to push Veronica up the hill as they’re running, which doesn’t bode well for her if she makes it to the final. Which is very highly most definitely unlikely.
They come up with a strategy to stagger who grabs the pouches so that they’re not clogging the path and manage to get all 12 pouches.
The last team consists of Averey Tressler, Ryan Kehoe, Laurel, Flora, and Brandon. They close the valve only to have Ryan realize he has one more bag inside his shirt. “That is why you don’t panic,” Coach Laurel lectures him.
The winners are Kam, Tina, Derek, Steve, and Kefla. Leroy, Brad, and Brandon are in the losing groups. Even though she won, Kam can’t protect Leroy from elimination because it’s the middle group that decides which two guys will get thrown in.
Brandon Nelson and Leroy Garrett are on the chopping block
During deliberation, Cara Maria instantly goes for Brandon and Leroy. The majority agrees. The elimination is called Mission Improbable. The players are suspended over giant mazes with small balls. They need to get all five balls into the little circles in order to win.

Brandon gets three balls in first and Leroy is struggling to even get his balls toward the center. “Relax, be gentle. It’s just you and your game,” Kam tells Leroy. “Just focus on what’s right in front of you.”
Her words work and Leroy gets three in and he and Brandon are tied. Then, Brandon gets one more but his arms are shaking from the exertion. “My shoulders to my f*cking fingertips are burning,” he says in a confessional.
It’s close and they both have one more ball to go and Leroy manages to win. He has the choice to take Veronica, Cara Maria, or Jasmine’s star and give it to Kam, or Adam’s. It would have been sweet revenge to take Cara Maria’s and give it to Kam, but he chooses to take Adam’s star.