Steve Meinke and Nicole Zanatta are fresh off their win against Kefla Hare and Jasmine Reynaud, respectively. At “The Challenge: All Stars” house, Ryan Kehoe confides in Adam Larson that he’s eight months sober.
“Covid happened and I was medicating daily alone and be very introverted. My body was telling me like, ‘You’re going to die if you keep going down this road,'” Ryan tells the cameras. “I gave myself a new lease on life by getting sober. I’m seeing the light and I’m living my life and you can get help. But you have to do it, you have to want it.” He wants to win “The Challenge: All Stars 4” and he deserves a shot.
Meanwhile, Brad Fiorenza is struggling this season and continues to be in the bottom. He can’t seem to get his head on straight when it comes to the daily challenges and his political game is weak. It’s a lot different than his last “All Stars” season and he knows it.
It’s TRIVIA TIME on The Challenge: All Stars
There’s nothing like hearing TJ Lavin giggle with glee when “The Challenge” players get a trivia question wrong and the day is here. Of course, it’s not just about answering trivia. It’s a male elimination day and the players are paired up and tied to a tether. If they get three questions wrong they’re flung into the abyss. JK, it’s just a lake, but still.
This challenge is great because it gives viewers a chance to see where everyone falls on the smart scale. Admittedly, they’re all under pressure and can choke but it’s hilarious when someone doesn’t know basic spelling.

First up to go is Ace Amerson with Cara Maria Sorbello, Steve and Kam Williams, and Brad paired up with Flora Alekseyeun.
TJ asks them about the previous challenges. They all do okay but then the spelling portion comes. Brad can’t even spell “authority” even though he’s a teacher.
The next word is “maneuver” and no one from “The Challenge: All Stars” cast thinks he’ll get it. It’s kind of mean but they’re right.
Flora tries to sound it out but she’s like “m@no0v3uR” and they lose. Bye-bye Brad and Flora.

Trivia Time round 2
The next to go are Tina Barta and Derek Chavez, Jay Mitchell with Nicole, Adam and Averey Tressler, Leroy Garrett and Veronica Portillo, and Ryan and Laurel.
When it comes to spelling, Cara Maria and Ace are the next to get ejected. For a miraculous reason, Leroy knows that pi is 3.14 and he’s spared.
Nicole and Jay are the next to get eliminated because they don’t know the biggest river in Africa. Who would? It’s actually the Orange River. We are all a bit smarter after this episode.
Who knew Leroy was so smart? When TJ asks him and Veronica where the tallest building in the world is, he guesses Dubai. It turns out he’s correct. 2-2 for Lee! Even TJ is shocked.

Tina and Derek are next and they don’t know where the biggest rainforest in Africa is to they get flung into the water. Veronica and Leroy win!
The Challenge: All Stars deliberation and elimination
It’s a guys’ elimination day and Adam wants to go in and get his star back. The middle group largely vote in Brad. Cara Maria sees that he’s not competing well this season and doesn’t think he’s an asset to her.
At the arena, there are two giant old-school video game controllers. Brad and Adam have to memorize a sequence of arrows and run to their controller to punch in the codes with their feet.

If they get it wrong, they’ll have to push the start button and begin again. The first one to get it right wins.
As the male winner of the daily challenge, Leroy has the option of coming down and winning a star for Kam but he’s like, “HELL NO.” He’s had enough smart for the day.
The guys start and Brad is whizzing through the elimination, while Adam takes his time and only memorizes shorter sequences.
Then, Brad starts messing up and keeps starting over again. Meanwhile, Adam is in his Zen state. Next thing you know, Adam presses “Enter” and wins.
Despite playing a crappy season, everyone is sad to see Brad and his beard go.

It’s time for Adam to steal his star back and Ace good-naturedly gives it back. TJ reminds everyone that they’re past the halfway point so people need to get their stars. Chop chop.