For a change, the “Challenge: All Stars” group is treated to a boat day. Adam Larson is reveling in his win against Brad Fiorenza in the last elimination and Tina Barta is feeling confident for no apparent reason.
Leroy Garrett wants to win so that he and Kam Williams can finally have a wedding and buy a house for their family.
Nicole Zanatta and Laurel Stucky are all over each other, which everyone but themselves knows is a bad idea.

Cara Maria Sorbello checks in on Laurel, who tells her, “It’s confusing living in a house with an ex you still have chemistry with.” She’s still trying to process all her emotions and Cara Maria admits that as a friend, it’s hard to watch.
“I would say the best thing for your emotions is cutting the chemistry,” Cara Maria advises her friend. Laurel doesn’t want advice, she just wants someone to listen to her whine about Nicole. Cara Maria just hates seeing Laurel cry about an ex when she should be focusing her attentions on being the beast that she is.
Nicole gets wind of Laurel’s talk with Cara Maria and confronts her. “Come for my star but do not come for me personally,” Nicole says. “Okay, well you already f*cking made Laurel cry to me several times, so…” Cara Maria shoots back. Nicole tells her to butt out of her business but she’s just trying to have Laurel’s back.

It’s obvious Laurel is whipped and tells the cameras, “I don’t want to hear Cara speak to Nicole like that. Nobody in this house is going around talking like you are.” Maybe it’s because nobody is Laurel’s true friend.
“I don’t think that it’s right that she said the things that she said,” Laurel tells Nicole.
Laurel Stucky betrays Cara Maria Sorbello
The next daily challenge is called “Balls Up.” TJ Lavin explains that it’s an individual challenge where players will stand in muddy water with a net of balls suspended over them.
Each player will have five balls of their own color and use a long-handled plunger to knock out the other people’s balls. The ones to get their balls knocked out of the net are eliminated and today is a women’s elimination.

Kam wants to lose this one so that she can go into elimination and get a star. She plans with Laurel to take Cara Maria out so that she’s in the losing group and she can potentially steal her star.
Cara Maria sees them whispering and knows she’s in trouble. Somehow, Kam manages to get the whole house in on it and she makes it into the losing group.
The next plan is to get Cara Maria in the losing group so that Kam can go against her in elimination and take her star. Kam is overly confident that she can beat Cara Maria, which perhaps she can if it’s a puzzle. Other than that, Cara Maria is too beast-mode for Kam.
Ace Amerson is the only one helping Cara Maria out because he has some loyalty to her. During the second heat, Nicole can’t fathom that Cara Maria wants to keep her star and calls her “selfish.” Isn’t the point of “The Challenge: All Stars” all about winning?
In the end, Ace and Avery Tressler win, with Tina, Flora Alekseyeun, Veronica Portillo, and Kam in the losing group.
Laurel Stucky yells at Cara Maria Sorbello
The middle group consists of Cara Maria, Laurel, Leroy, Nicole, and Adam. Cara Maria tries to convince Nicole that if her star gets taken, Nicole is next on the chopping block. If Cara Maria keeps her star, no one will come after Nicole because she’s chopped liver.
Nicole tries to argue but stutters and Cara Maria says, “You can’t even talk. Nicole, you need subtitles.” They start arguing about Laurel, who comes out and yells at Cara Maria, “You’re interpreting it wrong. You interpret everything wrong.”

Laurel is in Cara Maria’s face yelling, “You don’t f*cking know me! When’s the last time we f*cking talked?” Maybe, a day ago when you cried to your friend about your ex?
Kam Williams vs. Tina Barta
In the end, Kam gets what she wants and goes against Tina. The game is called “Ladies and the Tramp,” which consists of two trampolines and a tall wall between an answer key consisting of domino-like dots. Kam and Tina have to jump on the trampoline, look at their answer key, and recreate it on their respective boards.
Averey has the option of coming down and taking either Kam or Tina’s place to secure her star. She has a good chance against Tina but makes a feeble excuse that she’s not dressed for the occasion. Yawn.
Tina and Kam jump like kangaroos and try their best to match their keys. It’s not easy hopping on a trampoline and Tina gets gassed out.

The elimination is pretty even but Kam manages to get her board completed. TJ blows the horn and we have a winner. Of course, Kam steals Cara Maria’s star but this is far from over.